- A problem-free solution, great for kids who just want to go out and play.
- When dry, it stays on children's hair while they play, go to school or sleep
- Water-based treatment that washes off the hair easily without any traces
- Requires two applications (eight hours or one night), every seven days
Hedrin Treat & Go does not contain any chemically or biologically active chemicals. Its active ingredient is activdiol, which does not react with the skin. As a result, it is gentle on the scalp.
Like all insects, lice are covered with a protective layer. It helps the louse maintain its delicate internal water balance, preventing fluid loss. Activdiol in Hedrin works by disrupting the structure of the protective layer of lice, causing death from dehydration. The compound is used for active treatment at a concentration of 5% and preventively at a concentration of 1%.
Because Dimeticone and Activdiol kill lice physically, unlike traditional chemical pesticides, you can use them as often as you want without the risk of the parasites becoming resistant. Hedrin products also do not contain solvents that can cause problems in some people with asthma.
The product acts physically against lice; it completely covers the parasite, penetrating its respiratory system - suffocating it - and thus making the process of removing them extremely effective!
Hedrin Treat & Go is colorless and odorless and does not contain any chemically or biologically active chemicals. Its active substance does not interact with the scalp and can be used by children from 6 months of age. Hedrin does not contain any solvents that can cause problems for asthma users. All ingredients used in the spray were applied in the composition of cosmetic products.
The content of all preparations is patented and they have proven their effectiveness in killing lice during clinical trials. They have even proven the effectiveness of their action on lice, which have acquired resistance to traditional pesticide treatments.
Hedrin Treat & Go is applied to the hair and can then be blow-dried or left to dry naturally. As the product is difficult to notice on the hair, children and parents can perform their usual activities while Hedrin Treat & Go acts on their head. The spray can also be used at night and can be easily washed off after 8 hours.