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Hydromotors Wound gel for children 20g + slices on wounds Free!, wound care

Sequoia Sp. z oo

Sale price £13.99 Regular price £20.00

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  • Hydrocolloid gel with a complex of silver will be useful for any parent whose child often comes home with fine mornings and abrasions.The unique composition of the Gel hydromotors accelerates wound healing. In gratisie included colorful slices on the wound.

Acidic colloidal carbomer, kamozyna, water, preservative: silver citrate.

a hydrocolloid gel hydromotors affect the microenvironment of the wound so that wound healing. Special stabilized carbomer Carnosine helps both types of wounds - dry and wet. In the case of dry wounds exhibits an occlusive, reduces water evaporation and reduces fluid loss through the epidermis. However, in the case of wound moist and absorbs draining excess fluid, running schładzająco and soften the place of contact with a plaster or bandage. The gel hydromotors abandoned the use of parabens and replaced with silver citrate.

Medical device hydromotors Wound gel for children for use with minor wounds (dry and wet) - cuts, scratches, abrasions, cracks in the skin, burns.

Additional information:
Large, broad and deep wounds, infected or slowly healing require medical consultation. The product out of the reach of children, at 5-25st.C.

Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to any component of the gel. No use in the eye area, eyelids, as well as on mucous membranes.

How to use:
Before applying the gel dressing and hydromotors and after its completion, wash your hands. Closed wounds: cleanse and disinfect the wound, apply gel, being careful not to touch the tip of the wound tube. Open wounds: clean, disinfect and dry the wound, apply a thick layer of gel, wear the patch. Dressing leave at least for one day or extended to three days until the preparation is absorbed. When you get a scab, reduce the amount of gel applied. Burns: injured area sprinkled with lukewarm water for 20 minutes, it is recommended to use cold water, because it can lead to hypothermia. Then apply the gel hydromotors, the amount adapted to the nature of the burns (see above).