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IDLE dressing COSMOPOR ANTIBACTERIAL 7,2cm x 5cm x 25 pieces


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  • STERILE dressing COSMOPOR ANTIBACTERIAL is a unique medical device, which not only absorb exudate and moisture, but also has antibacterial properties (including silver ions). It isolates the wound from the environment.

Silver ions

The product is in the form of the dressing is characterized by an innovative embodiment. At the time of its production technology is used and DryBarrier®, an additional layer comprising silver ions. As a result of their release to the wound, there is the destruction of bacteria in the absorbent layer of the dressing. Its effects include Gram-negative bacteria
(eg., Klebsiella pneumoniae) and the gram positive (e.g.,. Staphylococcus aureus MRSA inclusive). DryBarrier® technology also prevents the formation of environment conducive to microbial growth. It protects the wound site from penetration of external factors. The dressing absorbs exudate and moisture, thanks to their increased absorbency to prevent the escape to the outside. It has a polyethylene film, which is a contact layer, which protects against the excessive adherence to the wound. Thick, the absorbent layer further prevents mechanical injury.

- Hypersensitivity to product components

It is recommended to use the dressing for wound care surgical draining.

used topically. After gentle and thorough cleaning of the wound dressing should be carefully replaced.