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Ingestion problems, PHYTO C drops

Steierl Pharma GmbH

Sale price £39.96 Regular price £50.00

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PHYTO C drops, Ingestion problems

pack size:100ml Dosage form:drops

Mixture of liquid dilutions for ingestion

Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore no indication of a therapeutic indication.
Medical advice should be sought if symptoms persist while using the drug.

Ingestion problems, PHYTO C drops Composition

10 g contain Ingestion problems, PHYTO C drops - active ingredients
Basilicum Dil. D 5 0.98 g
Juniperus sabina dil. D 5 0.98 g
Viscum album dil. D 5 0.98 g

Do not use in alcoholics. Because of the alcohol content, Phyto-C® should only be used in people with liver disease, epilepsy, brain disease or brain damage after consulting a doctor. Since there is no sufficiently documented experience during pregnancy and breastfeeding and because of the alcohol content, Phyto-C® should only be used after consulting a doctor. There is insufficient documented experience with the use of this medicine in children. It should therefore not be used in children under the age of 12, also because of the alcohol content.

Ingestion problems, PHYTO C drops Precautions for use and warnings

Contains 40% alcohol by volume.
There is a health risk for people with liver disease, alcoholism, epilepsy, people suffering from brain disease or brain damage, as well as for pregnant women and children. The effect of other drugs can be impaired or intensified.

Ingestion problems, PHYTO C drops Interactions

None known.
General note: The effect of a homeopathic medicinal product can be adversely affected by generally damaging lifestyle factors and by stimulants and stimulants. Concomitant use of other drugs should also be taken into account.

Side effects
None known.
Note: When taking a homeopathic medicine, the existing symptoms can temporarily worsen (initial aggravation).