PRESSELIN MIG M drops, Insomnia, allergies, anxiety, depression
pack size:50ml Dosage form:drops
Homeopathic medicinal product, therefore without a therapeutic indication.
Arsenicum album benefits
Arsenicum album is a frequently-used homeopathic substance derived from the metallic element arsenic. It is used by homeopaths to treat a range of symptoms that include digestive disorders, insomnia, allergies, anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Atropinum sulfuricum benefits:
Uses - Helps promote and maintain natural resistance to stress and normal energy levels. Helps promote and maintain natural resistance to stress and normal energy levels.
Gelsemium sempervirens benefits:
In homeopathic Materia Medica, Gelsemium sempervirens (Loganaceae) is described as a remedy for a variety of neurological and behavioral symptoms including general prostration, drowsiness, tiredness, mental apathy, lack of muscular coordination and discomfort when confronted with novelty or unfamiliar situations
Spigelia anthelmia benefits:
In the Americas Spigelia anthelmia is said to be one of the best vermifuges, and is renowned as a medicine against spasmodic and nervous attacks. It is also used to cause transpiration, while a decoction of the plant is applied against thrush and hypertension.
Strychnos ignatii benefits:
Ignatius bean is gathered from the Strychnos ignatii plant. The bean is used to make medicine. Despite serious safety concerns, some people use Ignatius bean to keep from fainting. It is also used as a bitter or tonic; and as an agent to invigorate, refresh, or restore body function.
Strychnos nux-vomica benefits:
What does nux vomica treat?
- digestive problems such as constipation, bloating, heartburn, and nausea.
- male infertility and impotence.
- colds and flus, particularly in the early stages of the virus.
- allergies.
- back pain.
- irritability, impatience, and high sensitivity to stimuli, caused by stress or mental strain.
Insomnia, allergies, anxiety, depression, PRESSELIN MIG M drops Composition:
100 g of liquid contain:
Acidum arsenicosum = Arsenicum album D4 dil. 16g
Atropinum sulfuricum D4 dil. 16g
Gelsemium sempervirens D4 dil. 20g
Spigelia anthelmia D2 dil. 16g
Strychnos ignatii = Ignatia D4 dil. 16g
Strychnos nux-vomica = Nux vomica D 4 dil. 16g
Excipients: ethanol, purified water.
Contains 51% alcohol by volume.
Dosage Insomnia, allergies, anxiety, depression, PRESSELIN MIG M drops Instructions:
10-15 drops 3 times a day, in acute conditions take 10 drops every hour.
Not known.
Side effects:
In rare cases dilation of the pupils and dry mouth.