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IPALAT throat lozenges sugar-free, primrose root

Dr. Pfleger Arzneimittel GmbH

Sale price £26.97 Regular price £30.00

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primrose root, IPALAT throat lozenges sugar-free

ipalat ® sugar-free

real natural power with primrose root
ipalat ® sugar-free combines the beneficial, real natural power of primrose root with the pleasant taste from the unique preparation with anise and fennel. When sucking the lozenge, a soothing film forms in the throat. ipalat ® sugar-free is a balm for the neck.

Proven for irritation of the voice, throat and throat
The ipalat ® sugar-free throat pastille is proven for a sore throat and sore throat, a strained voice as well as hoarseness and irritation of the throat. The menthol contained in it ensures fresh and free breathing.

ipalat ® sugar-free
• for a sore throat and scratchy throat
• for a strained voice
• for hoarseness and coughing
• for dry mouth
• after nicotine and alcohol consumption
• for voice care
• for free breathing
• for bad breath

ipalat ® sugar-free at a glance
• with menthol, without sugar
• with vegetable extracts from primrose root, Anise and fennel
• proven for hoarseness, irritation of the throat and dry mouth
• for fresh breath
• gentle & well tolerated
• the tooth-friendly ipalat ® variant

IPALAT throat lozenges sugar-free, primrose root Frequently asked questions & answers:

Do ipalat ® sugar-free throat pastilles contain lactose?
ipalat ®Sugar-free throat lozenges are lactose-free and therefore suitable for people with lactose intolerance.

Do ipalat ® sugar-free throat lozenges contain gluten?
ipalat ® sugar-free throat lozenges are gluten-free and therefore suitable for people with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.

Are ipalat ® sugar-free throat pastilles suitable for allergy sufferers?
Side effects or interactions of ipalat ® sugar free throat lozenges are not known. ipalat ® sugar-free is free from allergy- causing additives such as preservatives or colorings. However, there are hypersensitivities to one or more of the ingredients of ipalat ®Known sugar-free throat lozenges (e.g. menthol, essential oils or certain plant extracts), so consumption is not recommended.

Are ipalat ® sugar-free throat lozenges suitable for diabetics?
ipalat ® sugar-free throat lozenges are suitable for diabetics. One ipalat ® sugar-free pastille corresponds to 0.03 bread units .

Can ipalat ® sugar-free throat lozenges be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?
Since there are no side effects or interactions from ipalat ®Sugar-free throat lozenges are known, they can be consumed in regular, not excessive amounts, even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, if hypersensitivity to certain ingredients of ipalat ® sugar-free are known or symptoms such as nausea or heartburn occur after consumption, it is advisable to reduce or stop taking ipalat ® sugar-free.

Are ipalat ® sugar-free throat lozenges suitable for children?
In principle, ipalat ® sugar-free throat lozenges are suitable for children. However, the menthol can be perceived as having too intense a taste. That is why ipalat ® is used for a smooth tasteMild honey especially recommended for children (from approx. 4 years). According to the parents' judgment, the child should be able to suck in order to avoid swallowing the whole lozenge.

How many ipalat ® sugar-free throat lozenges can I suckle a day?
Side effects and interactions of ipalat ® Zuckerfrei are not known. However, due to the sweeteners it contains , ipalat ® sugar-free can have a laxative effect if consumed in excess. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, 3 to 12 lozenges a day are recommended. However, should health problems such as nausea or heartburn occur, it is advisable to reduce or stop taking ipalat ® sugar-free.

Can you use ipalat® Use sugar-free at night if you have an urge to cough?
Nocturnal coughing is particularly annoying and uncomfortable as it can disrupt healthy sleep. It can help to put an ipalat ® sugar-freepastille(for the sake ofyourteeth) in your cheek pocket and let it dissolve slowly before going to sleep. This creates a pleasant film that gently covers the irritated mucous membranes and alleviates the urge to cough.

Ingredients: stabilizer gum arabic, sweetener maltitol, aroma menthol (0.3%), herbal extracts (0.24%; primrose root, fennel, star anise), sweetener sodium saccharin, sweetener neohesperidin DC, honey aroma. The calorific value of 1 lozenge is 1.8 kcal. With sweeteners. Can have a laxative effect if consumed to excess.