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ISLA-GINGER x 30 tablets relieve irritation of mucous membranes of the mouth and throat

Engelhard Arzneimittel

Sale price £12.99 Regular price £30.00

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  • ISLA-GINGER is a natural preparation for suction, to relieve irritation of mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, preventing the harmful influence of external factors.

1 tablet contains 80 mg of aqueous extract of Icelandic lichen (0.4-0.8: 1). Other ingredients: gum arabic, sucrose, honey, ginger oil, lemongrass, flavor, liquid paraffin, purified water. 1 tablet contains 391 sucrose, equivalent to 0.03 units bread.

The product of natural origin is a perfectly composed complex nutrients that soothe the mucous membrane of the throat and larynx.In addition, it allows you to restore the balance of the mucosa, soothing and preventing the negative impact of external factors.

It is recommended to take the preparation in case of irritation of the throat and larynx (caused by eg. The continuous use of voice), cough and hoarseness, and difficult breathing through the nose.

It is recommended to suck 1-2 tablets several times a day.