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IWOSTIN Capillin cream intensively reducing redness SPF20 40ml


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  • IWOSTIN Capillin cream intensively reducing redness of the skin improves the appearance of vascular and protects it against hyperresponsiveness. The formula perfectly strengthens blood vessels and the protective filter SPF20 provides protection against UV radiation.

Active ingredients:
Algae Aldavine 5X, Rhamnosoft, Pronalen Aesculus HSC, Troxerutin, Vitamin C

IWOSTIN Capillin cream intensively reducing redness of the protective factor SPF20 to cosmetics, which favorably affects the state of vascular skin. It is responsible for the removal of the visible redness of the skin and preventing its formation as a result of a multi-faceted activity. It stops the activity of neuropeptide, which is responsible for the reddening of the skin and airways. Troxerutin causes more flexible and increase the tension of the capillaries. It improves blood circulation and strengthens vessels and reduces their fragility. At the same time cosmetic protects the skin against harmful environmental factors.

- Hypersensitivity to the active components of the product

It is recommended to use the cream in daily care of skin redness and sensitive, prone to the formation of redness.

How to use:
Apply externally. A small amount of cream spread on the cleaned and dried skin, preferably in the morning.