Kidney stones, Chronic kidney disease, CERES Berberis D 6 Dilution
Berberis 6X
Berberis 6X
According to traditional medicine, B. vulgaris is used to treat fever, cough, liver disease, depression, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia and bleeding . Over 500 plants from genus Berberis are accessible to people across the world with four pharmaceutical organs being used to treat different diseases.
What is the use of Berberis vulgaris mother tincture? It is known to be an excellent remedy for the treatment of various health problems including kidney disease. This homeopathic medicine aids in the treatment of kidney stones and relieves pain that is associated with kidney stones.
Berberis Vulgaris significantly reduces pain and other symptoms. In mild cases of kidney stones, the medicine can also help in dissolving the kidney stone so that it can easily flush out through the urine. Not to miss out- You should take Berberis Vulgaris only after consulting a homeopathic doctor.
1) Chionanthus-Q 2) Chelidonium Majus-Q 3) Berberis vulgaris-Q To be taken 10 drops four times in a day before food continued until relief the symptoms of gall bladder stone. When relief the symptoms you should done USG of upper abdomen to confirmed the stone present or not.
Kidney stones, Chronic kidney disease, Berberis D 6 Dilution, CERES Homeopathic Dilution.
Plant parts used: root bark Package
size / content: 20 ml
Kidney stones, Chronic kidney disease, Berberis D 6 Dilution, CERES Pharmaceutical company:
Ceres Heilmittel GmbH
Schloss Türnich, D-50169 Kerpen
Manufactured by Ceres Heilmittel AG, Switzerland.