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LACHESIS D 12 ampoules

DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG

Sale price £59.89 Regular price £90.00

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LACHESIS D 12 ampoules

pack size:8X1ml Dosage form:ampoules

Homeopathic medicine

active ingredients

  • 1 ml Lachesis in homeopathic dilution


  • water for injections

Homeopathic medicinal product, therefore without a therapeutic indication.

Lachesis is used in homeopathy to treat a wide range of symptoms. These fall into the following general categories of:

menstrual and menopausal complaints
throat and mouth complaints
fear, paranoia, and associated mental complaints
nervous system complaints
circulatory complaints



  • worsen after sleep and upon awakening
  • worsen in the spring
  • worsen after drinking hot beverages, taking hot baths, or direct exposure to the sun
  • worsen if touched or if the body is constricted by tight clothes
  • worsen with alcohol consumption
  • produce surging waves of pain
  • move from the left side to the right side of the body
  • result in a mottled, engorged, congested face
  • result in a very sensitive neck
  • improve from eating
  • improve from the onset of bodily discharge
  • improve from exposure to cold and fresh air


    Lachesis is a major homeopathic remedy for hot flashes associated with menopause . It is also used to treat premenstrual and menstrual symptoms such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menstrual pain, and short menses.

    Throat and mouth complaints are also treated with lachesis. A sore throat that worsens when hot liquids are swallowed is a good example of the type of throat complaint for which lachesis is considered appropriate. Similarly, so is a sore throat with left-sided pain or pain in the left ear, and a purplish, engorged throat, swollen gums, tongue, and foul-tasting saliva. The throat, neck, and larynx are extremely sensitive to touch.

    Lachesis is used to alleviate certain mental or emotional symptoms. These include suspicion and distrust that can border on paranoia, extreme talkativeness that reflects nervousness and restless, depression, petty jealousy, and unsociability.

    Circulatory complaints treated with lachesis include:

    • swollen and engorged veins that give the skin a bluish cast
    • varicose veins
    • nose bleeds
    • slow-to-heal, bluish wounds
    • a throbbing sensation in various parts of the body
    • weak, irregular rapid pulse
    • palpitations
    • fainting

    The main nervous system complaint treated by lachesis is cluster headaches. These are headaches that produce pulsating waves of pain, often on the left side, or beginning on the left side then moving to the right. They often precede menstruation and improve once menses begins. Petit mal seizures and angina are also treated with lachesis.

    Other complaints that lachesis is said to alleviate include stomach pains, appendicitis , vomiting and gastrointestinal complaints, anal spasms, bleeding hemorrhoids, and cravings for alcohol, coffee, and shellfish.