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LACIDAR, probiotic supplements


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LACIDAR x 20 tablets, probiotic supplements

  • Probiotic supplements. LACIDAR is a product containing probiotic bacteria (lactobacilli), which regulates the digestive system, restores the normal bacterial flora in the intestines and stops the growth of pathogenic bacteria.


LACIDAR, probiotic supplements Composition:

The content of active ingredients in 1 tablet: Extract ostopestu spotted 125mg (100mg silymarin), lyophilisate Lactobacillus acidophilus 0.5 x10 9CFU, lyophilisate Lactobacillus rhamnosus 0.5 x 10 9CFU, lyophilisate Lactobacillus paracasei 0.5 x 10 9CFU, soluble fiber from acacia 50mg


LACIDAR, probiotic supplements Action:

Dietary supplement is characterized by a complex composition. It includes 3 specially selected strains of lactic acid bacteria and soluble fiber from acacia. With these components affect the regulation of the digestive process and maintain a proper microflora digestive system.In addition, it prevents the colonization of microorganisms adversely affecting the body. It stimulates the body's natural defenses.

It is recommended to use the product in the alternative, to normalize the bacterial microflora, regulating bowel movements and diarrhea treatment, during convalescence and after antibiotic treatment.

For adults and adolescents over 12 years of age should be applied 1-2 tabl./24h.