- Acid base balance. LEN linseed oil in tablets is a dietary supplement that supports the maintenance of electrolyte and acid-base balance. In addition, it participates in metabolism of sugars, fatty acids and macronutrients.
1 tablet contains: oilseed ground deodorant 150 mg, magnesium 71 mg (19% of the recommended daily allowance), zinc 1.5 mg (15% of the recommended daily allowance)
Dietary supplement is characterized by a complex composition. Supplements the level of magnesium and zinc in the body, thanks to which it supports the nervous system. Zinc participates in metabolism of sugars, fatty acids and macronutrients. It affects the maintenance of acid-base balance. The preparation also contains ground flax, which is a rich source of mucilaginous substances with protective properties against the gastrointestinal tract. It regulates the body's electrolyte balance.
It is recommended to use the preparation to regulate the body's electrolyte metabolism. Also indicated to support the functioning of the digestive system.
Should be used for adults orally at a dose of 1 tablet. x 2 / 24h (suck or bite). In the case of ailments from the digestive system, take 2 tablets at a time.