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LEWITAN MP with Mucus (HONEY) x 200 tablets


Sale price £13.99 Regular price £30.00

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  • LEWIATAN MP WITH HONEY (mucus) is a complex diet supplement that supports the functioning of the digestive system and improves the condition of the skin, hair and nail plate.

(12 tablets): Vitamin B1 0.32 mg, Vitamin B2 0.15 mg, niacin 2.86 mg, chromium 16.80 ug, powdered mint leaves 110 mg

Dietary supplement is characterized by a complex composition - provides the body with valuable vitamins and minerals to support its proper functioning. The B vitamins in it have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails and increase immunity and relieve the symptoms of fatigue. The addition of mint improves the digestive processes and the secretion of gastric juices.

It is recommended to use the preparation to assist the nervous and digestive system and to strengthen the skin, hair and nails.

For children aged 7-12 years, 1-2 tablets should be used. X 3 / 24h, for adults use 2-4 tables. X 3 / 24h.