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LOLLIPOP Multifan orange x 50 pieces


Sale price £34.99 Regular price £50.00

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  • Lollipop Multifan a lollipop with vitamins with orange flavor.Recommended during active growth,
  • during the autumn-winter-spring, after past infections during periods of physical fatigue.

Contained in the fruit juice used in the multifilament, bioflavonoids are helpful in the absorption of vitamin C and protecting this vitamin from oxidation. Bioflavonoids increase the health of capillaries, seal and strengthen the walls of blood vessels and their permeability thus increasing the body's resistance to infections. Specially developed, pressed, powdered form of a multifilament, protects against damage to the enamel and oral mucosa after biting a lollipop. MULTIFAN instead of sugar contains sorbitol by prevent the formation of dental caries in children.

in 100g lollipop
Vitamin C
300 mg
Vitamin PP / niacin /
90 mg
E vitamin
50 mg
Vitamin B2
8.0 mg
Vitamin B12
5.0 ug
Vitamin B6
10.0 mg
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B5 / pantothenic acid /
30.0 mg
Folic acid
1 000 ug
0.75 mg
94.0 g
value energrtyczna
242 kcal
Fruit natural ingredients:
fruit juice powder 3