The recipe for the natural wood syrup of the Madal Bal brand was created in Switzerland. It combines 6 types of pure syrups - 5 types of high-quality palm syrups from Southeast Asia and Canadian maple syrup "bird's eye" extra "C +" quality.
· Cleansing the body of toxins
· Weight loss
· Encouragement and increased energy
· Treatment of colds and flu
· Improve digestion, ulcer treatment
· Skin cleansing, turgor improvement
· Increase the shine of the hair
· Improving vision
· Deeper and fuller sleep
· Greater resistance to disease
· Reduced dependence on drug use
· Improved concentration and clarity of thought
· Emotional balance
Madal Bal is a natural product consisting of 6 types of pure syrups - 5 palm syrups (from coconut, Indian, whale, nipah and areng palm) with the addition of maple. Madal Bal is a 100% natural product - environmentally friendly, without artificial additives, preservatives, sweeteners and colorants Madal Bal is produced according to a patented recipe of Dr. Kailash Andreas Bayer from the Swiss company "PURIS" AG Madal Bal has been used for more than 30 years in 2/3 of the countries around the world
Madal Bal cocktail
1. Put 2 tablespoons of Madal Bal-syrup in a glass of 300 ml.
2. Squeeze 1/2 (half) lemon, small or medium.
3. Add 1/2 (half) pinch of cayenne pepper or ginger (you can skip these ingredients if intolerable).
4. Fill the glass with water - spring, mineral or boiled, hot or cold.
5. Mix well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
6. For convenience, you can prepare 5 doses in 1 bottle or 10 doses in 2 bottles of 1.5 liters.
The cocktail replaces 1, 2, 3 or all daily meals.
The Madal Bal program:
Feeling of rejuvenation Reception. When it replaces all daily meals, the cocktail is drunk every 1.5-2 hours or more often, whenever you need. Versions. The program has flexible application schemes - versions of 1, 3-5 and 7-10 days, during which ordinary food is completely replaced by the cocktail. Judgment. It is good to get acquainted with the versions of the Program in advance and choose the one that is most acceptable for you. It depends on the independent and objective assessment of your goals, capabilities, motivation, ambition and previous experience. The best. The most preferred version of the Rejuvenation Feeling Program, which has the best and most tangible effect, is the "Full Version" of 7-10 days (1.5-2.0 liters of Madal Bal). The version that keeps your body and figure always in top shape is the "Cyclic version". If necessary.
The principle.
The Swiss Feeling of Rejuvenation Program works on the principle of food unloading programs. Thanks to the natural Madal Bal syrup, this diet has some significant advantages over other unloading regimens. Ease. One of its main advantages is that it is slightly tolerated by the body. Appetite. Palm-maple syrup satisfies hunger and helps to suppress appetite. The feeling of hunger begins to decrease immediately after the first 1-2 days of starting the Program. Adherence to the 7 principles of the Program is an important condition for success and will be of great benefit to you.
During unloading, Madal Bal's balanced selection of natural syrups nourishes the body, providing the nutrients, trace elements and energy needed for its normal functioning. Conditions. In healthy people with moderate toxic accumulations, specialized medical supervision is not required for the implementation of the Program. No special conditions are needed, such as absence from work or a radical change in the daily lifestyle. The program is suitable for implementation both at home and in the usual environment of everyday work. Medical examination. In people with diseases, a preliminary medical examination and consultation with a nutritionist-specialist in the application of therapeutic dietetics is required. Results. The results achieved with Madal Bal are lasting, not instantaneous. Specially designed for this purpose "