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Magnesium deficiency treatment, MAGNESIUM VERLA N Concentrate

Verla-Pharm Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG

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MAGNESIUM VERLA N Concentrate, Magnesium deficiency treatment

Dosage form: Powder for oral solution

Magnesium deficiency treatment, Magnesium Verla ® N Concentrate

Active substance: magnesium bis(hydrogen aspartate)

Areas of application: Treatment of magnesium deficiencies that require therapy and do not require injections/infusions. Proven magnesium deficiency if it is the cause of muscle activity disorders (neuromuscular disorders, calf cramps).

Note: contains sucrose (sugar) and lactose (in the flavor).

For risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

For use in magnesium deficiency

active Magnesium deficiency treatment, MAGNESIUM VERLA N Concentrate ingredients

  • 1622.69 mg Magnesium bis(hydrogen aspartate) dihydrate


  • Silica, colloidal
  • Sodium saccharine
  • Tangerine flavor
  • riboflavin
  • 3000 mg sucrose
  • citric acid
  • 2 mg lactose


Magnesium deficiency treatment, MAGNESIUM VERLA N Concentrate Indication :


  • The preparation is a mineral preparation.
  • It is applied
    • for the treatment of magnesium deficiencies that require therapy and do not require injections/infusions;
    • with magnesium deficiency if it is the cause of disturbances in muscle activity (neuromuscular disorders, calf cramps).


Dosage Magnesium deficiency treatment, MAGNESIUM VERLA N Concentrate :


  • Always take this medicine exactly as described or as your doctor or pharmacist has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.
  • The dosage depends on the extent of the magnesium deficiency and is at the discretion of the doctor.
  • The recommended dosage is
    • Adult:
      • 1 sachet 1 to 3 times a day (equivalent to 121.5 - 364.5 mg magnesium).
    • Use in children and adolescents
      • Young people from 12 years:
        • 1 sachet 1 to 3 times a day (equivalent to 121.5 - 364.5 mg magnesium).
      • Children from 4 - 11 years:
        • 1 sachet 1 to 2 times a day (equivalent to 121.5 - 243 mg magnesium).
      • Children from 1 -3 years:
        • 1 sachet once a day (equivalent to 121.5 mg magnesium).
      • Children under 1 year:
        • The preparation should not be used.
    • renal dysfunction
      • The drug must not be taken by patients with severe kidney dysfunction.
      • It should be used with caution in patients with mild to moderate renal impairment. Ask your doctor what dose to take this magnesium supplement and for how long. See also category "Patient Notice".
    • liver dysfunction
      • Due to insufficient data, there are no special dosage recommendations for patients with impaired liver function.


  • duration of use
    • The duration of use depends on the extent of the magnesium deficiency and is at the discretion of the doctor.


  • If you take more than you should
    • the side effects listed in the "Side effects" section may occur more frequently.


  • If you forget to take a dose
    • Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose.


Magnesium deficiency treatment, MAGNESIUM VERLA N Concentrate way :


  • Please stir the contents of one sachet in half a glass of water, tea or fruit juice and drink the entire contents of the glass. The drug should be taken before meals, as this improves absorption from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream.
Side effects :
  • Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
  • Uncommonly (may affect up to 1 in 100 people) loose stools or diarrhea may occur. They can be the result of high-dose oral magnesium treatment. If bothersome diarrhea occurs, the daily dose should be reduced or the preparation temporarily discontinued.
  • If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This also applies to side effects that are not specified.


Magnesium deficiency treatment, MAGNESIUM VERLA N Concentrate Interactions :


  • Taking with other medicines
    • Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are using, have recently used or might use any other medicines.
    • The effect of the drugs or groups of preparations listed below can be influenced if they are treated with magnesium at the same time.
    • Certain antibiotics (tetracyclines) and sodium fluoride preparations should be taken 2 - 3 hours apart from this preparation in order to avoid mutual impairment of absorption into the blood.
    • Certain drugs speed up the excretion or inhibit the absorption of magnesium and can thereby cause a magnesium deficiency. A dose adjustment of magnesium may therefore be necessary if the preparation is taken at the same time as the following medicines:
      • diuretics (such as thiazides and furosemide),
      • medicines to protect the stomach (proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole and pantoprazole),
      • platinum derivatives (particularly cisplatin, used to treat cancer),
      • Certain antibiotics (aminoglycoside antibiotics),
      • amphotericin B (antifungal),
      • foscarnet (for viral infections),
      • cyclosporin A and rapamycin (used to suppress the immune system),
      • EGF receptor antagonists (such as cetuximab and erlotinib, used to treat cancer),
      • Pentamidine (antiparasitic).
    • Ask your doctor if it is necessary to adjust your daily dose of magnesium if you are using any of these medicines together with magnesium.
Contraindications :
  • The medicine must not be taken
    • if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to magnesium bis(hydrogen aspartate) or any of the other ingredients.
    • if you suffer from severe renal dysfunction with impaired elimination or dehydration in the body.
Pregnancy and lactation :
  • If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.
  • The preparation can be used during pregnancy and lactation if the doctor deems it necessary.
  • Experiences from more than 1000 pregnancy outcomes do not indicate a risk of malformations or effects of magnesium on male or female fertility.
  • Magnesium showed no effects on breastfed newborns/children of treated mothers.


Patient Magnesium deficiency treatment, MAGNESIUM VERLA N Concentrate Notes :


  • Warnings and Precautions
    • Please talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking this medicine.
    • With mild to moderate impairment of kidney function, caution is required when using magnesium preparations. The therapy should be closely monitored by the doctor.
    • children and young people
      • There is insufficient experience with the use of this preparation in children under the age of 1 year. It should therefore not be used in children under the age of 1 year.


  • Driving and using machines:
    • There are no special precautions required.