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MEDIVITAN iV solution for injection in ampule pairs 8 pc B6, vitamin B12, folic acid

MEDICE Arzneimittel Pütter GmbH & Co.KG

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MEDIVITAN iV solution for injection in two-chamber B6, vitamin B12, folic acid

syringe Combination Deficiency in vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folic acid, which cannot be remedied in terms of nutrition. Contains sodium compounds.

B6, vitamin B12, folic acid For information MEDIVITAN iV solution for injection in ampule pairs 8 pc B6, vitamin B12, folic acid on risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist.


Status: 05/2021.

  • In the event of exhaustion caused by a combined deficiency in vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folic acid, which cannot be remedied in terms of nutrition, the medically administered B vitamin regimen is used to directly restore physical and mental performance and energy - full strength for you again Life
  • Directly without detours: A noticeable revitalizing effect often after the first application
  • 100% bioavailability: faster and more effective than tablets or drinking ampoules (Swiss Med Wkly 2017; 147: w14421)
  • The combination of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid is more effective than vitamin B12 alone, just as in Medivitan ® (J. Nutr. 1994; 124 (10): 1927)
  • Long-lasting: The effect can last for several months (Gerontology. 2001; 47 (1): 30)

The medically administered B vitamin (B6, vitamin B12, folic acid) regimen: full strength for life again Exhaustion can be a sign of a combined deficiency of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid. However, this deficiency cannot always be remedied in terms of nutrition. In this case, Medivitan ® offers the possibility of effectively replenishing the B vitamin store . The express build-up treatment exclusively from the doctor is quick, direct and powerful. Physical and mental performance and energy can be restored in a direct way.

  • Directly without detours: A noticeable revitalizing effect often after the first application.
  • 100% bioavailability: faster and more effective than tablets or drinking ampoules
  • Unique combination of effects: With B6, B12 and folic acid in a dosage tailored to the cell metabolism.
  • The combination of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid is more effective than vitamin B12 alone, just like in Medivitan ® .
  • Long-lasting: The effect can last for several months.
  • Very well tolerated

B6, vitamin B12, folic acid Good to know: Certain groups of people (e.g. people with a lot of stress, older people, vegans and vegetarians as well as athletes) are particularly often affected by an undersupply of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid.

A doctor should be consulted if there are signs of exhaustion (e.g. listlessness, loss of performance). In the event of exhaustion caused by a combined deficiency of vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folic acid, which cannot be remedied in terms of nutrition, the medically administered Medivitan ® regimen is an option .

Unique combination of effects Nur Medivitan ® contains the specially formulated combination of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid in a dose that is optimally tailored to the nerve and cell metabolism.

In detail, B6, vitamin B12, folic acid Medivitan ® iV contains


  • 5 mg of vitamin B6
  • 1 mg vitamin B12
  • 1.05 mg folic acid

Medivitan ® thus offers exactly the composition of building blocks that the body needs to regain lost energy.

Good to know: The combination of the three vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid is more effective than vitamin B12 alone.

Why as a syringe?
B6, vitamin B12, folic acid Medivitan ® is an exclusive B vitamin regimen that is administered by the doctor by injection. Alternatively, Medivitan ® iV can be administered via infusion.

The valuable vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid get into the blood directly and in full in this form - 100 percent. The detour via the digestive tract, as z. B. is required for tablets or drinking ampoules, is omitted.

This is how Medivitan fills® effectively stores B vitamins and works faster and more effectively than tablets or drinking ampoules. Many patients report a noticeable effect after the first injection.

MEDIVITAN iV solution for injection in ampule pairs 8 pc B6, vitamin B12, folic acid:


  • The express recovery cure is injected or administered as an infusion exclusively by the doctor
  • The valuable B vitamins get directly and 100% into the bloodstream and can be quickly distributed in the body
  • Works faster and more effectively than tablets or drinking ampoules
  • Result: safe and quick effect that lasts for months

The special plus: 2-chamber system of the pre-filled syringe
The Medivitan ® syringe consists of two separate chambers. One compartment contains vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, the second compartment contains folic acid.

Thanks to this 2-chamber system, the B vitamins are only activated shortly before the injection, i.e. all three B vitamins only mix shortly before the syringe is inserted. This ensures that the sensitive folic acid retains its effectiveness. Folic acid also activates vitamin B12. Thus, only by mixing all three active ingredients shortly before the injection does the active build-up formula arise, which so effectively supports the energy-generating processes in the body.

MEDIVITAN iV solution for injection in ampule pairs 8 pc B6, vitamin B12, folic acid. B6, vitamin B12, folic acid Implementation and therapy
concept Medivitan ®is administered exclusively in the doctor's office.

In most cases, a four-week rehabilitation treatment with a total of eight syringes is recommended for optimal therapy success. The revitalizing effect can often be felt after the first application.

MEDIVITAN iV solution for injection in ampule pairs 8 pc B6, vitamin B12, folic acid:


  • Duration of treatment: 4 weeks
  • Frequency: only 2 injections per week

Deviations from this scheme are possible. Ideally, your doctor will develop an individual therapy concept that is precisely tailored to your needs and requirements.

Tip: Many medical practices offer special "injection hours" during which patients can receive their injections without waiting.

MEDIVITAN iV solution for injection in ampule pairs 8 pc B6, vitamin B12, folic acid