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Molutrex 5% solution 3ml molluscum contagiosum treatment

Perffarma Sp. z oo

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Molutrex 5% solution 3ml molluscum contagiosum treatment

  • Molluscum contagiosum treatment. Molutrex 5% solution contains the active substance in the form of potassium hydroxide. The indications for the use of this medical device is caused by a virus molluscum contagiosum.


Molutrex molluscum contagiosum treatment Composition:

10 ml of solution contains 0.5 mg of potassium hydroxide and purified water.


Molutrex molluscum contagiosum treatment Action:

It is used in the specific treatment of molluscum contagiosum. It contains potassium hydroxide (5%) effect on intracellular damage lipid-enveloped virus collagen. In this way, the immune system has easier access to the virus and may eliminate it. Molutrex is an alternative to other invasive methods of treatment.


Molutrex Applications:

Medical device Molutrex solution of 5% for the topical treatment of certain types of warts - molluscum contagiosum (Molluscum contagiosum). It can be used in adults and children over 3 years old.

Molutrex Additional information:
Keep out of reach of children, at room temperature. Women who are breastfeeding can not use the product in places that have direct contact with the child. The fluid is corrosive properties.

Molutrex Contraindications:
Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation. Do not use if infected nodules molluscum contagiosum. Not be used around the eyes, mucous membranes (lips genitals), and scratches on open wounds as well as the healthy skin. Do not use in patients with atopic dermatitis in the acute phase as well as in people with compromised immune systems. Do not use in children under 3 years of age. Do not use conventional warts and other states in the keratinisation of the epidermis.


Molutrex Usage:

It is recommended to apply twice a day, morning and evening. When applying, be careful that the liquid does not enter the skin healthy and does not spill on any surface. The fluid applied to lump with the help of a spatula, and then wait until it dries. The product re-applied to the stick after three applications (three nodules). The application should be repeated for several days, until the symptoms of inflammation that occurs after 4-10 days. Symptoms of inflammation means that within 4-6 weeks a lump will disappear. Up solution can be used for 14 days.