NEURI-CYL N Ho-Len-Complex, anxiety, boost energy, reduce stress Drops
Homeopathic anxiety, boost energy, reduce stress medicine
active anxiety, boost energy, reduce stress ingredients
- 125 mg Aesculus hippocastanum mother tincture
- 125 mg Acidum arsenicosum D4
- 125 mg Citrullus colocynthis D4
- 125 mg Panax quinquefolius D2
- 125 mg potassium iodatum D4
- 125 mg Myristica fragrans D3
- 125 mg Toxicodendron quercifolium D4
anxiety, boost energy, reduce stress excipients
- ethanol
NEURI-CYL N Ho-Len-Complex, anxiety, boost energy, reduce stress COMPOSITION
10 g mixture contain: Aesculus Ø 1.25g, Arsenicum album Dil.D4 1.25g, Colocynthis Dil.D4 1.25g, Ginseng Dil.D2 1.25g, Potassium iodatum Dil.D4 1.25g, Nux moschata Dil. D3 1.25g, Rhus toxicodendron Dil.D4 1.25g
Contains 60% alcohol by volume
NEURI-CYL N Ho-Len-Complex, anxiety, boost energy, reduce stress USE
- Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore no indication of a therapeutic indication.
- The areas of application of the drug result from the drug pictures of the ingredients.
- If symptoms persist during treatment, medical advice should be sought.
Note: This preparation was formerly marketed in an unchanged composition under the name "Neuri-cyl® Ho-Len-Complex® Neuralgie-Complex".
NEURI-CYL N Ho-Len-Complex, anxiety, boost energy, reduce stress DOSAGE
Unless otherwise prescribed:
- In acute conditions, take 5 drops every half to full hour, up to 6 times a day. It should not be taken for longer than 1 week without medical advice.
- In chronic forms, take 5 drops 1-3 times a day.
- If the symptoms improve, the frequency of administration should be reduced.
For risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Aesculus hippocastanum benefits:
Aesculus hippocastanum (horse chestnut) has been used for centuries as a treatment for dysentery, bronchitis, hemorrhoids, and venous problems in folk medicine. Clinical studies support its use in chronic venous insufficiency, hemorrhoids, and postoperative edema.
Acidum arsenicosum benefits:
- itching.
- dry.
- rough and scaly skin.
- eczema and psoriasis.
- wasting and weakness.
- sensitive skin.
- poor digestion.
- anxiety.
Citrullus colocynthis benefits:
Citrullus colocynthis, also known as bitter cucumber, is a fruit-bearing plant sometimes used medicinally. Citrullus colocynthis is used to treat diabetes, since it may be able to induce insulin secretion from the pancreas after supplementation, while reducing blood glucose and improving lipid levels.
Panax quinquefolius benefits:
Both American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius, L.) and Asian ginseng (P. Ginseng) may boost energy, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduce stress, promote relaxation, treat diabetes, and manage sexual dysfunction in men.