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NEYPARADENT liposome mouth drops 45 ml

vitOrgan Arzneimittel GmbH

Sale price £116.46 Regular price £130.00

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NEYPARADENT liposome mouth drops 45 ml

NeyParadent® – Liposome Mouth

Drops Exactly effective and beneficial Liposomes (the finest fat droplets) transport the active factors of NeyParadent® exactly where they are supposed to work. This process called "organ tropism" noticeably increases the therapeutic effect. The effective care composition of NeyParadent® with an antibacterial formula contains the exquisite active ingredients of chamomile, arnica and myrrh, which are known for their anti-irritant effects.

NEYPARADENT liposome mouth drops:

• Antibacterial, effectively prevents gingivitis. • Fights
plaque bacteria.
• Promotes healthy oral flora
• The ideal addition to daily tooth brushing

Versatile and also very easy to use: NeyParadent® is applied undiluted to the affected areas with a cotton swab or used diluted for mouthwashes. It can also be added to the oral irrigator.

NEYPARADENT liposome mouth drops 45 ml