Oktaseptal skin spray solution 60ml
- Skin aerosol Oktaseptal is a solution of octenidine dihydrochloride and phenoxyethanol. The product is recommended for use in skin disinfection and wound healing. The drug works, among others bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal.
Composition Oktaseptal skin spray solution:
The active substances in 100g of the drug: 0.10g octenidine dihydrochloride, 2.00g phenoxyethanol and other substances: glycerol 85%, sodium D-gluconate, cocamidopropyl betaine 30%, sodium hydroxide, purified water.
Oktaseptal action of the skin spray solution:
Skin aerosol Oktaseptal is a drug designated for use in the case of not very extensive wounds, it is suitable for repeated use in short-term antiseptic treatment within the mucous membranes and adjacent tissues before diagnostic procedures, as well as minor surgery and post-operative procedures (m-treatments) ginecology, proctology, urology, dermatology, venereology, geriatrics, obstetrics and dentistry). The medicinal product Oktaseptal contains phenoxyethanol and octenidine dihydrochloride. The solution works battery, fungus and virucide. In addition, it decontaminates and numbs, cleans the wound from dead tissues and secretions, and stimulates the healing process. It starts to work already a minute after application, the action lasts for about an hour.
Oktaseptal skin spray for the solution indicated for use in antiseptic treatment of not very extensive wounds, as well as in the disinfection of skin and mucous membranes; in the disinfection of the oral cavity (including in the case of aft, irritations occurring during the wear of the orthodontic appliance or denture); in the treatment of minor burns and ulcerations; in the care of post-lethal wounds and sutures; before diagnostic examinations in the female and male sexual organs (including vagina, vulva, glans penis) and after the examination; when performing perinatal activities (eg crotch care after incision during delivery); before diagnostic procedures (as well as after surgeries) in the anus, before and after catheterisation of the urinary bladder, before activities associated with artificial insemination, in children (e.g., care of the umbilical stump); in antiseptic treatment (time-limited) of interdigital fungal infection.
Additional information:
Keep out of reach of children at room temperature.
Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to any component of the solution. Do not use for abdominal (for example intraoperatively) rinsing, bladder as well as eardrum.
Side effects: Adverse reactions
may occur in some people during treatment: a bitter taste in the mouth lasting about one hour after the medicine for mouthwash (it is not recommended to rinse the mouth with water or other liquid immediately after using the medicine). Rare side effects: burning sensation, redness, pruritus, a feeling of warmth. Very rare side effects: contact allergic reactions, eg transient redness at the site of use. Side effects of an unknown frequency: after rinsing deep wounds with a syringe, cases of persistent edema, erythema and tissue necrosis have been reported. In some cases, surgical intervention was necessary.
The dosage of the aerosol on the skin Oktaseptal:
Use as directed by your doctor or follow the instructions on the leaflet. Apply on the skin in undiluted form. Disinfection of the skin and mucous membranes: flush the wound site with a sterile gauze that has been moistened with the preparation. After careful distribution of the drug, wait 1-5 minutes. According to the doctor's recommendation, the preparation can be sprayed directly onto the skin or mucous membranes, after thoroughly spreading the preparation, leave for at least one minute. Disinfection of the mouth: for 20 seconds, rinse the mouth using 20ml of the preparation. Do not swallow. Treatment of minor burn wounds, treatment of wounds resulting from diseases such as atherosclerosis or diabetes: use the drug in the form of coils (sterile swabs impregnated with the drug). During the day, change the swab 1-2 times. Wound care and surgical stitches: wash the sterile gauze with the preparation, wash the wound, starting from the center towards the outer edges. Supportive in the treatment of cutaneous mycoses, including foot-to-foot mycosis: spray the drug directly on the affected skin. Apply in the morning and evening for 14 days.