OSANIT granules, Osanit ® sugar-free 7.5 g, infant teeth problems
active ingredients: Chamomilla Dil. D12.
Areas of application: Osanit granules are a homeopathic medicine, sugar-free. The areas of application correspond to the homeopathic drug pictures. T
hese include: Teething problems in infants and young children.
OSANIT granules infant teeth problems, Chamomilla For information on risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Status: 01/2021
OSANIT granules infant teeth problems, Chamomilla Application:
Infants in the 1st year of life after consultation with a doctor:
In the event of an acute course, max. 6 x daily 2 pellets.
In the case of a chronic course, 2 globules 1
3 times a day for infants up to 6 years of age: In the case of an acute course, 3 globules max
In the case of chronic disease,
ideally place 3 globules 1 to 3 times a day under the tongue or into the cheek and allow to dissolve there. If the symptoms improve, the frequency of use should be reduced.
The teething phase begins about 3 to 4 months after birth and is often accompanied by a number of symptoms, such as crying and screaming, increased salivation, reddened gums, restlessness, insomnia, diarrhea or fever.
Teething is not a disease, but a normal and natural process, which is why one should counter these complaints in a gentle and gentle way.
OSANIT granules infant teeth problems, Chamomilla Osanit teething balls are specially tailored to the complaints of the little ones and support the child throughout the teething period. they seem
- pain reliever
- reassuring
- and make it easier to break through the teeth
OSANIT granules infant teeth problems, Chamomilla. The basis of Osanit Zahnungskugelchen is xylitol, which means that they are sugar-free.