Ovulation test clearblue, clearblue ovulation test
pack size:30 pcs Dosage form:test
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CLEARBLUE ovulation test digital
Desire to have children? Get pregnant faster (1) . This easy to use at home ovulation kit is proven to help you get pregnant by pinpointing your 2 best days to get pregnant each cycle. The ovulation test's digital display will show a unique smiling smiley face when your LH surge has been detected, giving you the best chance of conceiving in the next 48 hours.
Ovulation test clearblue, clearblue ovulation test:
To prepare for pregnancy, the use of sperm-friendly, fertility-enhancing lubricants and the intake of folic acid or vitamin supplements are advisable. But what really matters when trying to conceive is that you have intercourse at the right time in your cycle.
The few days before ovulation and the day of ovulation are the only days in each cycle that a woman can get pregnant. Unlike basal body temperature, ovulation prediction kits can measure the rise in luteinizing hormone (LH test) - a key fertility hormone that rises before ovulation - and thus accurately identify the days leading up to ovulation, not the days after .
Ovulation test clearblue, clearblue ovulation test:
While ovulation test strips are widely used, 7 out of 10 women in a UK study said strip tests were not easy to read (in the study, 111 women used different test types and read the results).
The Clearblue Ovulation Test was confirmed by ultrasound. In a study of 40 women, the results obtained by ultrasound corresponded to 96% with the results of the ovulation test. data in the files.
(1) As having no method of identifying fertile days.
Ovulation test clearblue, clearblue ovulation test:
• Get pregnant faster: home use urine test that detects your 2 most fertile days. 30 test sticks increase your chance of determining your most fertile days when your cycle length varies or when you don't know how long your cycle lasts.
• Over 99% accurate in detecting LH surge. Hormones can predict ovulation more reliably than a measured basal body temperature, which only increases after ovulation.
• Easy to read: the only brand that displays a unique, digital, smiling smiley face when your urine has been detected as pre-ovulation LH surge.
• If you have sex in the 48 hours after detecting your LH surge, you are maximizing your chances of conceiving.
• No. 1 - the most recommended brand by gynecologists in Germany
• 1 Digital Test Holder and 30 Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test Sticks included
Get pregnant faster than without a method of identifying fertile days.