KREON 10,000 Pancreatin hard caps with gastric juice coating pellets
Pack size:200 pieces Dosage form:Hard capsules with enteric-coated pellets
Kreon® 10,000 capsules
gastric juice-resistant hard capsule (capsule with gastric juice-resistant pellets)
Active ingredient: pancreatin
For use in children and adults.
Kreon® 10,000 capsules are a medicine for replacing digestive enzymes
of the pancreas (pancreatic enzymes).
Kreon® 10,000 capsules are used for
- digestive disorders (maldigestion) as a result of insufficient or missing
pancreatic function (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency).
- Cystic fibrosis to support the inadequate function of the pancreas.
Kreon® does not contain any sugar
Pancreatin, KREON 10,000 hard caps with gastric juice coating pellets
Application to replace pancreatic digestive enzymes (pancreatic enzymes)
Active ingredients
- 150 mg pork pancreas powder
- Hypromellose phthalate
- Triethyl citrate
- Iron(II,III) oxide
- Iron(III) oxide hydrate, black
- cetyl alcohol
- Iron(III) oxide
- gelatin
- Sodium dodecyl sulfate
- Macrogol 4000
- Dimeticon 1000
- Titanium dioxide