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Paragrippe BOIRON N60 Homeopathic Medicine-Headache, Pain, Fever, Cold & Flu UK


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Paragrippe BOIRON N60 Homeopathic Medicine-Headache, Pain, Fever, Cold & Flu UK

PARAGIPPE is one of the homeopathic preparations used orally in the form of tablets supporting the treatment of influenza and colds. Paragrippe BOIRON 60 tabs Homeopathic Medicine-Headache, Pain, Fever, Cold & Flu.

Paragrippe Composition:
Arnica montana 4 CH, Belladonna 4 CH, Eupatorium perfoliat. 4 CH, Gelsemium 4 CH, Sulfur 5 CH, aa 0.6 mg.


Action Paragrippe BOIRON N60 Homeopathic Medicine-Headache, Pain, Fever, Cold & Flu UK:

Homeopathic preparation used orally in the form of tablets, which thanks to the unique composition acts as an auxiliary to the functioning of the body. It belongs to the category of drugs supporting the alleviation of flu and cold symptoms, such as headache, muscular and joint discomfort, increased temperature and chills.

Paragrippe Indications: The product is intended for use in the case of flu or colds manifested by headache, muscular joint discomfort, fever and chills.


Dosage Paragrippe BOIRON N60 Homeopathic Medicine-Headache, Pain, Fever, Cold & Flu UK:

Use orally. For adults and children, give a suction dose of 2 tabl from the first symptoms. every 1-2 hours, increasing the time between doses.