PERSONA test sticks, 4-month supply 32 pc
Persona test sticks
A hormone-free contraceptive method without side effects that is 94% reliable. (1) Persona consists of a handy monitor and simple urine tests. In each cycle you will need to do 8 tests (16 tests only in the first cycle) to see changes in the concentration of 2 essential hormones - estrogen and the luteinizing hormone - to find out whether you can have unprotected sex (green days) or there is a risk of pregnancy (red days).
PERSONA test sticks (1) Persona is 94% reliable when the monitor is used as instructed and as the only contraceptive method. That means 6 out of 100 women who use Persona for a year can get pregnant. The typical failure rate when using Persona for one year is equal to the percentage of women who can become pregnant through other barrier methods (e.g. condoms) in the same period.
Natural contraception for 4 monthly cycles
active ingredients
- Estrone-3-glucuronide test zone (MAB)
- Lutropin Test Zone (MAB)
Persona Contraception Monitor
The requirements for your contraceptive method may change over the course of your life. Therefore, it is important to choose a method that suits you at the time.
Factors that may influence your choice include your relationship, method reliability, ease of use, and side effects.
Persona measures two hormones in urine to determine the days of your cycle when you can have sex without contraception1 (Green Days) and to identify the days when you are at high risk of pregnancy (Red Days).
Persona may be right for you if you are in a stable relationship and want a birth control method that is free of side effects or artificial hormones and that is more convenient to use than other methods.
- Natural, non-invasive contraceptive method with no side effects
- 94% reliable
- Ease of use: Persona consists of a touchscreen monitor and test sticks, which are sold separately. You will need 16 test sticks for the first cycle and 8 each from the second cycle.
Easy-to-use touchscreen:
The touchscreen is intuitive and easy to use. You use it to set your personal preferences. Persona stores and displays information about your current cycle and the previous six cycles.
This means you can access stored data at any time. You can even set up a PIN if needed and set a reminder alarm on test days.
Look at the monitor before going to the toilet in the morning. The screen will display a "Green Day", a "Red Day" or a Test Day.
On test days (eight per cycle, 16 in the first cycle of use) perform one of the simple urine tests using morning urine.
To do this, insert the test stick into the monitor and wait five minutes to read the result and interpret the hormone level.
The screen then displays a "Green" or a "Red Day". This result is valid for the next 24 hours. Persona stores and displays information from the current cycle and the last six cycles.
You can access your cycle history at any time. Before use, carefully read the instructions for use.
Who is Persona suitable for?
Persona may be right for you if you are in a stable relationship and want a birth control method that is free of side effects or artificial hormones and that is more convenient to use than other methods such as condoms.
Persona is best suited for women for whom an unplanned pregnancy is not totally unacceptable.
Your cycles must be between 23 and 35 days, you should not be breastfeeding, menopausal, or on any treatments that may interfere with your natural cycle. There are also diseases or medications that can affect the usability of the product.