Pheromones for dogs, Adaptil Calming pheromone


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Adaptil Calming pheromone preparation for dogs 60 ml, Pheromones for dogs, Adaptil Calming pheromone


D.A.P. pheromone preparation in a spray for dogs, calming in stressful situations, such as loneliness, moving, storm, fireworks.

Pheromones for dogs, Adaptil Calming pheromone Indications:

ADAPTIL can be used according to the instructions of a veterinarian or behaviorist and, together with behavioral therapy, help to cope with clinical behavioral problems such as separation anxiety, sound phobia, etc. It is not recommended to use ADAPTIL Spray in cases of hyperactivity and aggression. 


Pheromones for dogs, Adaptil Calming pheromone:


ADAPTIL Spray must not be applied directly to the animal or close to its head. Changes in behavior or environment may be necessary and advice from your veterinarian should be sought. 

ADAPTIL Spray can be applied directly to the dog's bedding, inside the cage or kennel, at least 15 minutes before introducing the dog to the given environment. Repeat application twice a day. (adoption, relocation, new member families, staying in a kennel, staying home alone, fireworks, storms), in combination with ADAPTIL Diffuser or ADAPTIL Collar.

Pheromones for dogs, Adaptil Calming pheromone:


To help you cope with behavior in other stressful situations When taking your dog on long trips, it is recommended to spray the carrier or car again after this time (after removing the dog from the carrier or car). You should also wait about 15 minutes to allow the evaporating alcohol to air out. 

Spray by pressing ADAPTIL 8 to 10 times at least 15 minutes before introducing the dog to the given environment (car, carrier, kennel, etc.): spray each corner once, spray the ground twice and spray the ceiling of the carrier or kennel twice. The effect should last for about 4 to 5 hours.

Pheromones for dogs, Adaptil Calming pheromone:


Help in reducing or preventing stress while traveling

Application - adaptation to a new environment (adoption, moving, new family member or animal. - difficult situations (fireworks, loud noises, staying home alone) 

Dog soothing pheromones D.A.P. sprays naturally and reliably help cope with stress-related behaviors in dogs during In a natural environment, puppies and adult dogs exchange natural signals released into the air - pheromones.

These calming signals are secreted by lactating female dogs and also from glands around the ears in adult dogs.

ADAPTIL provides your dog with a soothing pheromone that you cannot give him - thanks to this, you improve his well-being and help him adapt to stressful situations.