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Potassium hydroxide, INFECTODELL, solution for mollusc warts

INFECTOPHARM Arzn.u.Consilium GmbH

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INFECTODELL, Potassium hydroxide,  solution for mollusc warts

Pack size:2ml Dosage form:Solution

Solution for application to the skin for mollusc warts

Potassium hydroxide, INFECTODELL, solution for mollusc warts, Composition

1 ml InfectoDell® contains 50 mg potassium hydroxide.


Additional Potassium hydroxide, INFECTODELL, solution for mollusc warts ingredient: purified water.

1 pack contains 2 ml of solution for application to the skin. The cap is equipped with a plastic spatula for applying the solution.

What is InfectoDell and what is it used for?
InfectoDell is used externally in cases of infestation with mollusc warts (Molluscum contagiosum) (see also “Important information about mollusc warts” on the back).
InfectoDell leads to

InfectoDell leads to the dissolution of virus-infected cells and thus to a defense reaction in the skin in the area

Molar wart. The aim of treatment is a small, painless inflammation.

As soon as this heals, the wart also heals.

Please note: InfectoDell is not suitable for treating common warts (verrucae).

If you are not sure whether you or your child suffers from mollusc warts or common warts, you should

Ask your doctor before using InfectoDell.