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PRIORIN capsules, hair loss in women

Bayer Vital GmbH

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PRIORIN capsules 120 pcs, hair loss in women

Priorin ® is a food for special medical purposes (balanced diet). Priorin ® is intended for diet management in the case of hormonally hereditary hair growth disorders and hair loss in women (androgenetic alopecia). Due to the special nutritional requirements in the special area of ​​application of Priorin ® , the pantothenic acid content is increased.

Important PRIORIN capsules, hair loss in women note:

Priorin ® is to be used under medical supervision.

Bayer Vital GmbH, 51368 Leverkusen, Germany. Status: February 2019
Approval number: L.DE.MKT.CC.03.2019.3350

Priorin ®Capsules for hormonally hereditary hair loss in women 30 pieces

For diet management in the case of hormonally hereditary hair growth disorders and hair loss in women.

The advantages of the hair loss in women Priorin ® capsules:

• for diet management with hormonally hereditary hair loss and hair growth disorders in women
• natural 3-fold formula of millet extract, vitamin B5 and cystine nourishes the hair roots from the inside
• for more hair growth and fuller, stronger hair
• for visible improvements after just 12 weeks *
• simple and practical application: two capsules a day in the morning and one in the evening for hair loss, one capsule a day for minor hair growth disorders

You do not have to accept hair that is becoming light: women can use Priorin ® capsules as part of diet management for hormonally hereditary hair loss and hair growth disorders . With their natural 3-fold formula of millet extract, vitamin B5 and cystine, the capsules nourish the hair roots from the inside, they ensure more hair growth and stronger hair. After just 12 weeks, women who took Priorin ® capsules noticed an increase in the number of hairs in the growth phase. * It is very easy to use - take two capsules in the morning for hair loss and one capsule in the evening and one capsule a day for minor hair growth disorders .

* Study: W. Gehring et al., The phototrichogram as a method for assessing hair growth-promoting preparations. Journal of Skin Diseases 2000; 75

Nourishing the hair from the inside:
Hormonally hereditary hair loss and hair growth disorders are an immense burden for many women: The main hair becomes lighter, the hair looks thin and, in the worst case, even lets the scalp shimmer through. The reason: the hair roots react sensitively to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and consequently wither. In the beginning, the hair around the middle parting becomes less, later the hair density decreases on the entire top of the head.

If you are also affected, we recommend Priorin ®Capsules: Developed for the diet management of hormonally hereditary hair growth disorders and hair loss in women, the Priorin ® capsules contain a special complex of the special micronutrients
• millet extract,
• vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and
• cystine.

The effectiveness in the context of diet management has been proven by studies: In interaction with one another, the nutrients can increase the number of hairs in the growth phase. Hair grows back more densely, because your roots are nourished and the hair is fuller and stronger again. A visible effect can already occur after 12 weeks.

It is very easy to take: If hair loss has already occurred, take two capsules in the morning and one capsule in the evening with a little water for the first 12 weeks. After that, one capsule per day is sufficient. For minor hair growth disorders, take one capsule with a small amount of liquid once a day.

Although the first improvements appear after a few weeks, hair only grows about 0.3 millimeters per day. Therefore Priorin ® capsules should be taken for at least 12 weeks. If there is still no effect after 12 weeks, further investigations should be carried out to determine whether a different type of hair loss than the hormone-related one is responsible for the hair loss.

With the Priorin ®Capsules are diet foods for special medical purposes. Use the preparation under medical supervision. It contains a small amount of so-called readily available carbohydrates: With three capsules a day (as described in the package insert) you achieve 0.02 bread units (BU).

Store Priorin ® capsules in a dry place and not above 25 degrees Celsius - you can find the best before date on the side flap of the packaging.

The ingredients
In order to strengthen the hair, the Priorin ® capsules use a combination of three valuable, natural micronutrients:
• Millet extract forms the basis of the preparation. A special extraction process makes it possible not only to obtain the vitamins, minerals and silicon compounds from the millet itself, but also from the seed coat.
• Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
• Cystine is a special protein component that is necessary for the formation of hair substance (keratin).

The interaction of these ingredients is effective in the context of diet management for hormonally hereditary hair loss and hair growth disorders in women. Test the Priorin ® capsules - and order right here.
