procaine-Loges ® 1% procaine hydrochloride injection
solution Active ingredient: Procaine hydrochloride Area of
application: procain-Loges ® 1% injection solution is indicated for intracutaneous use on healthy skin within the framework of neural therapeutic application principles.
Warning: Contains sodium chloride. Note leaflet.
For procaine hydrochloride information on risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Active procaine hydrochloride ingredients
- 20 mg procaine hydrochloride
Auxiliary procaine hydrochloride materials
- Sodium chloride
- Hydrochloric acid for pH adjustment
- Water for injections
Offers numerous uses in neural therapy. As a 1% solution without additional active ingredients, it does not require a prescription.
Neural therapy plays an important role in the naturopathic therapy spectrum. As a regulatory process, it has a great influence on numerous control loops of the human organism and thus helps with a variety of complaints that are based on imbalances in the nervous, hormonal, muscular or lymphatic system. But also diseases of the skeleton as well as the digestive and excretory organs can be alleviated with great success with neural therapy.
procain-loges® 1% solution for injection offers numerous possible uses in neural therapy:
Head, eyes, ENT area, chest, abdomen and abdomen, joints, spine and muscles, skin, nerves, vessels and general
diseases are the broad areas in which procain-loges® proves its neural therapeutic skills.