RD BRONCH 16 drops
Pack size:100ml Dosage form:drops
Ammi visnaga benefits:
It is generally used to dilate bronchial, urinary, and blood vessels without affecting blood pressure. It is also internally used as an emmenagogue to regulate menstruation, as a diuretic, and in the treatment of vertigo, diabetes, and kidney stones.
Inula helenium benefits:
People have long used elecampane root and other species of the Inula genus of herbs in folk medicine to thin mucus, suppress coughing, promote sweating, alleviate vomiting, and kill bacteria.
Hedera helix benefits:
English ivy (Hedera helix) is an evergreen, climbing vine native to Europe and Asia. The leaves are sometimes used to make extracts for medicine. English ivy might help thin mucus in the airways. This might improve lung function in people with breathing difficulty.
Tussilago farfara benefits:
Scientific studies link it to several health benefits, including reduced inflammation, brain damage, and coughing.
Coltsfoot also has some medicinal uses. In Europe, this plant is said to be popular as a remedy for a wide range of chest complaints. The dried leaves reportedly can be used to make Coltsfoot tea. The plant was very little used by native Americans, although the Iroquois used an infusion of roots as cough medicine.
Pulmonaria officinalis benefits:
Lungwort can be used for respiratory conditions, asthma, chronic bronchitis, colds, coughs and catarrh. Treat stomach and intestinal ailments, kidney and urinary tract infections, fluid retention and tuberculosis. It helps to clear the airways and expel the build-up of mucus out of the lungs.
Thymus vulgaris benefits:
Thymus vulgaris has been used since ancient times to achieve healing, cure chest congestion, and induce saliva; the fresh leaves are taken to relieve sore throats. The plant is also used as an effective remedy for chest infections (bronchitis, pharyngitis, whooping cough) as well as to treat worms in children.
Homeopathic medicine.
Active ingredients
- 0.25 ml Ammi visnaga D3
- 0.05 ml Inula helenium mother tincture
- 0.05 ml Hedera helix mother tincture
- 0.25 ml Tussilago farfara D6
- 0.05 ml Pulmonaria officinalis mother tincture
- 0.2 ml Thymus vulgaris mother tincture
- Ethanol
Areas of application
Homeopathic medicine, therefore without specifying a therapeutic indication.
Note: If symptoms of illness persist while using the drug, medical advice should be sought.
When should you not use RD Bronch 16?
RD Bronch 16 is not to be used during pregnancy or for alcoholics.
When can you only use RD Bronch 16 after consulting your doctor?
Because of the alcohol content, RD Bronch 16 should only be used by liver patients, epileptics and people with organic brain diseases after consulting a doctor.
What should be taken into account for children?
There is no adequately documented experience with the use of this medicine in children. It should therefore not be used in children under 12 years of age.
Precautions for use and warnings
This medicine contains 61% alcohol by volume. Since there is no adequately documented experience with use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the medicine should only be used after consulting your doctor or therapist.
Dosage instructions, type and duration of use
Unless otherwise prescribed, take 5 - 10 drops in 1 tablespoon of water 3 times a day. Homeopathic medicines should also not be taken for long periods of time without medical advice.
Overdose and other application errors
Taking large amounts of the drug can lead to alcohol poisoning, especially in small children; In this case, there is a risk to life, which is why you should consult a doctor immediately. If you take the entire contents of the bottle, you will absorb up to 48 g of alcohol.
100 ml liquid contains: Medicinally active ingredients: Thymus vulgaris Ø 20.0 ml, Ammi visnaga D3 25.0 ml, Farfara D6 25.0 ml, Pulmonaria officialis Ø 5.0 ml, Hedera helix Ø 5.0 ml, Inula helenium Ø 5.0 ml, ethanol 43% (m/m) 15.0 ml. Contains 61% alcohol by volume. 10 drops correspond to approximately 0.4 g.
Dosage form and contents
Oral liquid. Bottle with 100 ml content.
This medicine should always be kept tightly closed and out of the reach of children!