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RD SPASMO 25 drops

Hofmann & Sommer GmbH & Co. KG

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RD SPASMO 25 drops

Pack size:100ml Dosage form:drops

Magnesium phosphoricum benefits:

Magnesium phosphorica is a mineral supplement to restore energy and promotes the regeneration of the body's nerves and muscles. It helps with the recovery of any nerve injury or nerve damage. Magnesium phosphorica. This is indicated in nerve damage, body pains and cramps, and gastrointestinal concerns.

Iris versicolor benefits:

Iris helped the healing of stomach conditions causing headache and migraine. It seemed very potent as an anti-syphilitic where the lymph glands were inactive, in the treatment of skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, purulent and open ulcers and in thyroid conditions such as goitre.

Ammi visnaga benefits:

It is generally used to dilate bronchial, urinary, and blood vessels without affecting blood pressure. It is also internally used as an emmenagogue to regulate menstruation, as a diuretic, and in the treatment of vertigo, diabetes, and kidney stones.

Strychnos ignatii benefits:

gnatia is one of the homeopathic remedies most commonly used on patients with anxiety symptoms, depression, manic episodes, emotive urination and diarrhoea, as well as hyperaesthesia and hypersensitivity to emotions.

Acidum hydrocyanicum benefits:

Acid Hydrocyanicum Dilution is an excellent homoeopathic medicine that controls convulsions and loss of control over movements. This medicine also controls coldness, irregular pulse, chest pain, inability to breathe well etc. It is truly a boon for abdomen related ailments and for urine problems too.

Spigelia anthelmia benefits:

Spigelia is used in traditional herbal medicine for a variety of purposes. It has been used as an anthelmintic to expel intestinal parasites, a febrifuge to reduce fever, and a vermifuge to eliminate parasites. It’s important to remember that homeopathic and traditional uses are not backed by scientific evidence.

Spigelia is used to manage a variety of conditions affecting the heart, head, nerves, and eyes. Spigelia is recommended for people who suffer from symptoms like intense headaches, severe migraines (especially on the left side), eye pain, nerve pain, and palpitations.

Atropinum sulfuricum benefits:

Atropinum Sulphuricum Dilution helps with epilepsy and relieves pain. It may help to relieve deep corneal ulcers and reduce vision discomfort.

Atropa belladonna benefits:

elladonna is taken by mouth as a sedative, to stop bronchial spasms in asthma and whooping cough, and as a cold and hay fever remedy. It is also used for Parkinson's disease, colic, inflammatory bowel disease, motion sickness, and as a painkiller.

Galium odoratum benefits:

Aerial parts and flowering tops are used as a treatment for nervous agitation, jaundice, hemorrhoids, circulation and venous disorders traditionally and the crushed leaves have been used topically to reduce swelling and to accelerate wound healing.

Dioscorea villosa benefits:

benefits of wild yam
  • Improves digestion. ...
  • May improve arthritis. ...
  • Regulates blood sugar. ...
  • May prevent cancer. ...
  • Improves blood cholesterol levels. ...
  • May relieve PMS symptoms. ...
  • May alleviate menopausal symptoms. ...
  • Relieves the symptoms of diverticulosis.

Cuprum aceticum benefits:

Cuprum Aceticum Dilution is a versatile medicine that has many types of uses. It is prepared from the neutral acetate of copper and is useful for treating skin leprosy and psoriasis. Extended labor pain of women is also reduced by using it. The facial pain of jaws and ear can also be treated by using this remedy.

Citrullus colocynthis benefits:

colocynthis is used as a remedy for gastrointestinal disorders like indigestion, gastroenteritis, and intestinal parasites (Hussain et al., 2014). The plant is also used to treat diabetes, liver problems, weak bowel movements, and obstruction or paralysis of the intestine.

Cimicifuga racemosa benefits:

CR is widely used to mitigate menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, vertigo, nervousness, mood swings, and vaginal dryness associated with postmenopausal females.

Composition per 100 ml  
Magnesium phosphoricum D8 10.0ml

Iris versicolor D3

Ammi visnaga D3 11.0ml
Strychnos ignatii D4 10.0ml
Acidum hydrocyanicum D6 10.0ml
Spigelia anthelmia D3 10.0ml
Atropinum sulfuricum D4 6.0ml
Atropa belladonna D6


Galium odoratum ø


Dioscorea villosa D2


Cuprum aceticum ø = D2


Citrullus colocynthis D2 1.0ml
Cimicifuga racemosa D2 1.0ml
Ethanol 43% (m/m)


10 drops correspond to approximately 0.4 g.