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REFLUTHIN for heartburn chewable mint tablets

Dr Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co.KG

Sale price £29.97 Regular price £33.00

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Refluthin ® for stress-related heartburn

When stress triggers heartburn Everyday
work and family life is often hectic - there is hardly any time for a relaxed meal. Instead, people often resort to a quick snack in between. Most of these are high-fat or high-sugar foods that are hastily gobbled down. Then the digestive system quickly reacts irritated and overwhelmed. Acid-related stomach problems such as heartburn or acid regurgitation are the result. The symptoms arise because stomach contents flow back into the esophagus and the stomach acid there irritates the sensitive mucous membrane. Refluthin ® can quickly relieve symptoms such as heartburn or acid regurgitation.

Refluthin ®for heartburn
Refluthin ® combines the mineral acid buffers calcium and magnesium carbonate and highly concentrated prickly pear extract . The mineral acid buffers immediately bind excess gastric acid and thereby lead to rapid relief of acute symptoms such as heartburn and acid regurgitation. The mucous substances in the prickly pear extract form a soothing protective film that covers the irritated mucous membrane of the esophagus. The acid buffers work best after meals, which is why the chewable tablets should be taken after meals and not on an empty stomach.

Easy to use, quick action, good tolerance
No gluten, no lactose, no gelatine, no preservatives and no aluminum compounds: Refluthin ® is free from these ingredients and therefore also suitable and particularly well tolerated for vegans and people with gluten or lactose intolerance. Adolescents from the age of 12 can take the tablets if they have acid-related stomach problems. One chewable tablet as a single dose is enough to achieve a noticeable improvement. It is best to chew or suck the tablet one hour after a meal.

Good taste is important:
Refluthin ® is available with either a mint or fruit flavor.