
RICURA drops 30 ml Luffa operculata, Thuja occidentalis

PEKANA Naturheilmittel GmbH

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RICURA spag.Peka N drops, Luffa operculata, Thuja occidentalis

Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore no therapeutic indication is given.

Medical advice should be sought if symptoms persist during use.

Luffa operculata, Thuja occidentalis Dosage
Unless otherwise prescribed: In acute conditions, take 5 drops in a little water every half to full hour, no more than 6 times a day. Use for more than a week should only be done after consulting a homeopathically experienced therapist. In chronic forms, take 5 drops in a little water once a day. If the symptoms improve, the frequency of use should be reduced.

Luffa operculata, Thuja occidentalis Notes
5 drops contain 0.1472 g of alcohol.

Active ingredients

  • 140 mg Capsicum annuum D4
  • 105 mg Hydrargyrum sulfuratum rubrum D12
  • 85 mg Kreosotum D6
  • 105 mg Luffa operculata 6X
  • 125 mg Thuja occidentalis D6
  • 135 mg Echinacea angustifolia / pallida-spag. Peka D12
  • 145 mg of Plantago major spag. Peka D6
  • 160 mg Sanicula europaea D6

Auxiliary materials

  • Ethanol

RICURA , Luffa operculata, Thuja occidentalis Areas of application
Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore no therapeutic indication is given. Medical advice should be sought if symptoms persist during use.

RICURA , Luffa operculata, Thuja occidentalis Dosage
Unless otherwise prescribed:

In acute conditions , take 5 drops in a little water every half to full hour, no more than 6 times a day. Use for more than a week should only be done after consulting a homeopathic therapist.

In chronic forms, take 5 drops 1 to 3 times a day in a little water.

If the symptoms improve , the frequency of use should be reduced.


RICURA , Luffa operculata, Thuja occidentalis Composition :


Active ingredient power crowd
Luffa operculata D 6 10.5 g
Creosote D 6 8.5 g
Hydragyrum sulfuratum rubrum
D 12 10.5 g
Echinacea spag. Peka D 12 13.5 g
Capsicum annuum D 4 14.0 g
Plantago major spag. Peka D 6 14.5 g
Sanicula europaea D 6 16.0 g
Thuja occ. D 6 12.5 g


Capsicum annuum benefits

Health Benefits of Capsicum: 7 amazing benefits of capsicum
  • Good for your heart. Lycopene, a phytonutrient, in the red capsicum keeps your heart healthy. ...
  • Improves metabolism. ...
  • Lowers the risk of cancer. ...
  • Antioxidant Properties. ...
  • Improves immunity. ...
  • Relieves pain. ...
  • Cures iron deficiency.

Kreosotum benefits

It effectively treats skin disorders such as eczema and provides relief from itchiness in the body. It can also be used to boost immune system and protects the body from bacterial infections.

Luffa operculata benefits

Luffa is taken by mouth for treating and preventing colds. It is also used for nasal swelling and sinus problems. Some people use it for arthritis pain, muscle pain, and chest pain. Women use luffa to restore absent menstrual periods.

Thuja occidentalis benefits

Thuja is a tree. The leaves and leaf oil are used as a medicine. Thuja is used for respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis, bacterial skin infections, and cold sores. It is also used for painful conditions including osteoarthritis and a nerve disorder that affects the face called trigeminal neuralgia.