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ROUTINE WITH VITAMIN C Apteo x 100 tablets

Synoptis Pharma

Sale price £12.99 Regular price £20.00

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  • ROUTINE WITH VITAMIN C Apteo is a dietary supplement that complements a deficit of ascorbic acid and rutin. It helps to strengthen the body and its resistance, limiting the risk of infection.

1 tablet contains 60 mg vitamin C (150% RDA *) and 25 mg of routine additives. * RDA - Recommended Daily Intake

ROUTINE WITH VITAMIN C Apteo beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. Vitamin C is involved in the formation of collagen, which has a significant effect to preserve the correct state of the blood vessels, skin or gums. In addition, it stimulates the body's natural defenses thus increases its resistance to pathogenic microorganisms. Along with routine also has antioxidant properties, effectively neutralizing properties of the free radicals. Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron. Rutin also strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improving their condition. ROUTINE WITH VITAMIN C Apteo is in the form of tablets intended for oral use.

- Hypersensitivity to the active components of the preparation

It is recommended to use the preparation in the framework of supplementation of vitamin C and rutin. Indicated above all in periods of increased incidence of colds and flu.

For oral use. It is recommended to use the product at a dose of 1 tablet. x 1-2 / 24.