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RUTOVEN gel, thrombophlebitis, haemorrhage

Herbapol Poznań

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RUTOVEN gel 30g, thrombophlebitis, haemorrhage

  • Thrombophlebitis, haemorrhage, petechiae. Rutoven is used in disorders of venous and peripheral circulation (varicose veins, leg ulcers, thrombophlebitis), in post-thrombotic syndromes, in the treatment of swelling of venous origin, in tendencies to petechiae and haemorrhage.


RUTOVEN gel, thrombophlebitis, haemorrhage Composition:

1 tabl. contains 150 mg of o- b -hydroxyethylrutoside. 1 g of gel contains 20 mg of o- b -hydroxyethylrutoside.

RUTOVEN gel, thrombophlebitis, haemorrhage Action:

The product contains a flavonoid derivative, which acts as a sealer and reduces the permeability and fragility of the capillaries.

The preparation is used in disorders of venous and peripheral circulation (varicose veins, leg ulcers, thrombophlebitis), in post-thrombotic syndromes, in the treatment of venous edema, in tendencies to bruising and hemorrhage.

Dosage RUTOVEN gel, thrombophlebitis, haemorrhage:

Take 1-2 tablets orally. 2-3 times a day after meals or gel rub into the skin of the limbs 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.