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Schussler salt № 6 Potassium sulfuricum D6 420 tablets

DHU Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.

Sale price £32.53 Regular price £40.00

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Schussler's salt № 6 Potassium sulfuricum D6 is found in the skin, bones, nails and muscles. Takes an active part in detoxifying the liver and cleansing the body. Helps in the formation of skin cells, hair and nails.

Schussler salt № 6 Potassium sulfuricum D6 Application:

· Impaired nail growth

· Chronic runny nose

· Chronic skin diseases

· Pigment spots, age spots

· Difficult to heal wounds

· Purulent rashes

· Neurodermatitis and psoriasis, scaling of the skin

· Inflammation of the mucous membranes (throat, conjunctiva, stomach, intestines)

· Loading of the liver with toxins

· Rheumatic pains

· Claustrophobia

Schussler salt № 6 Potassium sulfuricum D6 Main functions in the human body:

Potassium sulfuricum is the mineral that carries the passage of oxygen from the blood into the cell. Therefore, its deficit leads to the so-called. oxygen starvation and increased need for fresh air. Severe need for fresh air, worsening of heat symptoms and late afternoon are typical signs of increased

need of Potassium Sulfuricum .

The intake of Schussler's salt №6 leads to relief in asthma due to the improved supply of oxygen to the cells.

Potassium sulfuricum accelerates the regeneration of epidermal and epithelial cells (the uppermost layer of the skin is formed with the help of Schussler's salt №1 and Schussler's salt №6). Its deficiency leads to exfoliation of these cells (scaly skin lesions) or the development of catarrh with yellow-green mucus.

Improper hair and nail growth - the sulfur ingredient of Schussler's salt №6 helps the body synthesize the amino acid cysteine, which is necessary for hair and nails, cartilage and skin.

Potassium sulfuricum stimulates liver function and thus accelerates the processes of elimination and detoxification. This is the salt for chronic inflammatory processes.

Potassium sulfuricum is involved in skin pigmentation. In Schussler's salt deficiency №6, the skin pigments are not deposited in the epidermis or are concentrated in individual points, which leads to the appearance of brown spots, and in the elderly the so-called age spots.

Potassium sulfuricum stimulates the function of the pancreas and the production of pancreatic secretion. It can also be used in diabetes as an adjunct to drug therapy.

Smoking and excessive coffee consumption contribute to the occurrence of potassium sulfuricum deficiency .

Practice shows that people taking thyroid hormones often suffer from a deficiency of this mineral.

Schussler salt № 6 Potassium sulfuricum D6 Composition:

Active substance: Potassium sulfuricum D6 250 mg.
Other ingredients: lactose monohydrate, wheat starch, magnesium stearate.

Schussler salt № 6 Potassium sulfuricum D6 Dosage:

The usual doses are as follows:


Acute conditions

Chronic conditions

Adults and children over 12 years

1 tablet up to 6 times a day

1 tablet 1-3 times a day

Children from 6 to 11 years

1 tablet up to 4 times a day

1 tablet 1-2 times a day

Children from 1 to 5 years

1 tablet up to a maximum of 3 times a day

1 tablet daily

Children under 1 year

1 tablet up to a maximum of 2 times a day

1 tablet daily

3a children under 5 years of age it is recommended to dissolve the tablet in a small amount of water for easier use. Dissolve 1 tablet in half a glass of water and give the child one tablespoon of this solution 1-3 times a day.
Children under one year of age should be examined by a doctor before using Schussler's salt №6.

The tablets are allowed to slowly melt in your mouth. If necessary, they can be dissolved in a little water. Take 15-30 minutes before meals.

Established combinations

Skin allergies

Kalium sulfuricum №6 3 tablets in the morning

Natrium sulfuricum №10 3 tablets per lunch

Calcium phosphoricum №2 3 tablets in the evening

Minimum 8 weeks.

Scaling eczema

Kalium sulfuricum №6 3 tablets in the morning

Calcium fluoratum №1 3 tablets per night

From 4 to 8 weeks


Calcium fluoratum №1 3 tablets in the morning

Kalium sulfuricum №6 3 tablets per lunch

Natrium chloratum №8 3 tablets per lunch

Magnesium phosphoricum №7 3 tablets in the evening

Suitable for long-term maintenance treatment.


Kalium sulfuricum №6 3 tablets in the morning

Natrium sulfuricum №10 3 tablets per lunch

Kalium chloratum No. 4 3 tablets evening

Minimum 8 weeks.

Type II diabetes

Kalium chloratum №4 3 tablets in the morning

Kalium sulfuricum No. 6 3 tablets evening

Suitable for long-term maintenance treatment.