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Schussler's salt № 5 Potassium phosphoricum D6 200 tablets

DHU Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.

Sale price £27.70 Regular price £30.00

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Schussler's salt № 5 Potassium phosphoricum D6 is the salt of muscles and nerves. Stabilizes the psyche, nerves, protects cells from decomposition.

Schussler's salt № 5 Potassium phosphoricum D6 Application:

· When chopping

· Hair loss

· Urticaria, scarlet fever, blistering rash

· In case of physical and mental exhaustion

· State of weakness

· Insomnia

· Spasms

· Hyperactive children

· Depression

· Heart and muscle weakness

· Paralysis

Schussler's salt № 5 Potassium phosphoricum D6 Areas of action in the human body:

Potassium phosphoricum is related to the synthesis of lecithin in the body.

Potassium phosphoricum supports cell repair and the body's ability to regenerate. It has a strengthening effect in all disease and healing processes.

Potassium phosphoricum is considered the biochemical agent of the brain and nerves. He

stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. It is used in all diseases of the brain, spinal cord and nerves, which affect the nerve tissue.

Potassium phosphoricum has established itself as a means of strengthening and stimulating the muscles, especially the myocardium. It is indicated for muscle weakness, paresis or paralysis.

Potassium phosphoricum stimulates the heart muscle and thus indirectly has a decisive effect on blood circulation.

During pregnancy, it has a beneficial effect on the heart and nervous system.

Potassium phosphoricum is the "antiseptic" in Schussler's biochemistry. Helps with all septic diseases and other high-fever conditions.

Potassium phosphoricum is used as a biochemical energizing agent. It is indicated for any disease or asthenic conditions due to the triple stimulating effect on the organs (cellular metabolism, nervous system, muscles).

Potassium phosphoricum has a proven strengthening effect on the psyche and is used as an adjunct to psychotherapeutic measures.

Potassium phosphoricum should always be used for a long time. Due to its stimulating effect, it is generally recommended to be taken before lunch or

in the early afternoon. The mineral has a calming and soporific effect on people who cannot sleep at night due to thoughts (nervous insomnia).

Schussler's salt № 5 Potassium phosphoricum D6 Composition:

Active substance: Potassium phosphoricum D6 250 mg.
Other ingredients: lactose monohydrate, wheat starch, magnesium stearate.

Schussler's salt № 5 Potassium phosphoricum D6 Dosage:

The usual doses are as follows:


Acute conditions

Chronic conditions

Adults and children over 12 years

1 tablet up to 6 times a day

1 tablet 1-3 times a day

Children from 6 to 11 years

1 tablet up to 4 times a day

1 tablet 1-2 times a day

Children from 1 to 5 years

1 tablet up to a maximum of 3 times a day

1 tablet daily

Children under 1 year

1 tablet up to a maximum of 2 times a day

1 tablet daily

3a children under 5 years of age it is recommended to dissolve the tablet in a small amount of water for easier use. Dissolve 1 tablet in half a glass of water and give the child one tablespoon of this solution 1-3 times a day.
Children under one year of age should be examined by a doctor before using Schussler's salt №5.

The tablets are allowed to slowly melt in your mouth. If necessary, they can be dissolved in a little water. Take 15-30 minutes before meals.

Schussler's salt № 5 Potassium phosphoricum D6 Established combinations:

Tissue regeneration

Calcium phosphoricum No.2

5 tablets in the morning

Kalium phosphoricum No.5

5 tablets per lunch

Natrium chloratum No.8

5 tablets evening

At this dose for 1-2 weeks, then 3 t. of each salt for another 2-3 weeks


Kalium phosphoricum №5

5 tablets in the morning

Magnesium phosphoricum №7

5 tablets per lunch

Silicea №11

5 tablets evening

At this dose for 1-2 weeks, then 3 t. of each salt for another 2-3 months

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Calcium phosphoricum №2

3 tablets in the morning

Kalium phosphoricum №5

3 tablets at lunch

Magnesium phosphoricum №7

3 tablets evening

Course 2-3 months.

Combination to improve memory

Ferrum phosphoricum №3

5 tablets

Kalium phosphoricum №5

5 tablets per lunch

Kalium sulfuricum №6

5 tablets evening

Natrium chloratum №8

5 tablets evening

If administered for more than 3 days, add №10 Natrium sulfuricum in the morning.

Energizing combination Cardiovascular insufficiency. Hemorrhage. Hypotension

Ferrum phosphoricum №3

5 tablets in the morning

Kalium phosphoricum №5

5 tablets per lunch

Natrium chloratum №8

5 tablets evening

Energizing combination - 1-2 weeks. Cardiovascular disorders - long-term intake of 2 tons of each salt.