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Shuslerov's salt No. 11 Silicea D12 200 tablets

Apofaktur eK

Sale price £27.70 Regular price £30.00

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Shuslerov's salt No. 11 Silicea D12 Application:

· Purulent processes on the skin


· Disc herniation

· Osteoporosis

· Tendon diseases

· Calcium calcifications

· Excessive sweating

· Wrinkles, premature aging

· Sand in the kidneys

· Brittle nails and hair, hair loss, acne

Shuslerov's salt No. 11 Silicea D12 Main functions in the human body:

Connective tissue construction. The strength and function of connective and epithelial tissues depend on the presence of silicic acid. Deficiency of Silicea (Schussler's salt №11) leads to a loss of their density and structure. The intake of SHS №11 is recommended for the prevention of disorders in age-related deficiency.

Regeneration of the skin and its appendages. Schussler's salt №11 promotes hair growth and is used for hair loss, supports the proper growth of nails and is a prerequisite for the normal functioning of the sweat glands.

Schussler's salt №11 has a beneficial effect on degenerative changes in cartilage tissue or after injury (especially in the intervertebral discs of the spine, symphysis and menisci of the knee joint).

Schussler's salt №11 helps build dentin, improves tooth structure and is used in caries, tooth growth and prevention.

Silicea (SH №11) is an important functional substance in chronic diseases with degeneration or lesions of the epithelial tissue in the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, renal pelvis and calyces, bladder, epidermis, external ear canal, oral cavity, esophagus and trachea) .

Schussler's salt №11 is needed for nerve conduction. Its use has been established in acute neuritis, as well as in nervous insomnia, convulsions, inflammation of the nerve sheaths and tendon sheaths.

Schussler's salt №11 stimulates analyzers and improves sensory perceptions, e.g. hearing and vision, as the transmission of electrical impulses depends on nerve conduction, the main functional substance of which is Silicea.

Schussler's salt №11 is a necessary functional substance in diseases with chronically increased acidity of the body, e.g. renal microlithiasis or gouty rheumatic diseases.

Schussler's salt №11 is a necessary functional substance in diseases with chronically increased acidity of the body, e.g. renal microlithiasis or gouty rheumatic diseases.

Shuslerov's salt No. 11 Silicea D12 Composition:

Active substance: Silica D12 250 mg.
Other ingredients: lactose monohydrate, wheat starch, magnesium stearate.

Shuslerov's salt No. 11 Silicea D12 Dosage:

The usual doses are as follows:


Acute conditions

Chronic conditions

Adults and children over 12 years

1 tablet up to 6 times a day

1 tablet 1-3 times a day

Children from 6 to 11 years

1 tablet up to 4 times a day

1 tablet 1-2 times a day

Children from 1 to 5 years

1 tablet up to a maximum of 3 times a day

1 tablet daily

Children under 1 year

1 tablet up to a maximum of 2 times a day

1 tablet daily

3a children under 5 years of age it is recommended to dissolve the tablet in a small amount of water for easier use. Dissolve 1 tablet in half a glass of water and give the child one tablespoon of this solution 1-3 times a day.
Children under one year of age should be examined by a doctor before using Schussler's salt №11.

The tablets are allowed to slowly melt in your mouth. If necessary, they can be dissolved in a little water. Take 15-30 minutes before meals.

Shuslerov's salt No. 11 Silicea D12 Established combinations:


Calcium fluoratum №1 3 tablets in the morning

Natrium chloratum №8 3 tablets per lunch

Silicea No. 11 3 tablets evening

Two courses per year for 1-2 months.


Calcium fluoratum №1 3 tablets in the morning

Calcium phosphoricum №2 3 tablets per lunch

Silicea No. 11 3 tablets evening

Two courses per year for 1-2 months.

Closed purulent processes

Natrium sulfuricum №10 5 tablets in the morning

Silicea №11 5 tablets per lunch

Natrium phosphoricum No. 9 5 tablets evening

At least 1 week in this dose, then 3 tons of each salt for 2-3 months.

Cartilage strengthening

Kalium phosphoricum №5 5 tablets in the morning

Natrium chloratum №8 5 tablets per lunch

Silicea No. 11 5 tablets evening

Strengthening course 2-3 months.


Natrium phosphoricum №9 5 tablets in the morning

Silicea No. 11 5 tablets evening

5t each. of each salt in the acute period and 3 t. another 2-3 weeks.