- Syrup Dagomed Sonna Stress is preparation with calming and soothing effects of stress. The composition comprises seven medicinal ingredients of natural origin, which do not cause side effects and addiction.
Staphysagria D4, D8, D12, Ignatia D6, D8, D12, Valeriana officinalis D3, Avena sativa D1, Zincum valerianicum D8, Acidum phosphoricum D4, Sorbitol 70% Action: Syrup Dagomed Sonna Stress is a homeopathic product, exhibiting a significant effect in the treatment of symptoms of stress, anxiety, and nervousness. All the ingredients contained in the syrup wyciszająco work on the body, do not cause addiction and does not cause side effects such as de-concentration, impaired memory. The product is safe for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Application: Syrup Sonna restores the body to calm and balance without causing addiction. Indicated for use with symptoms accompanying situations of stress: Problems sleeping or light sleep and frequent waking up. The feeling of fear, anxiety, mood swings , irritability; children hyperactive, anxious or restless. ailments of the digestive system: the brother of appetite, feeling of tightness in the stomach. Aversion to physical and mental activity. The feeling of weakness, increased muscle tension, feeling "knobs in the throat" Accelerated heartbeat, shortness of breath. Dosage: Adults: 1 tablespoon 3-5 times a day. Children: 1 teaspoon 3-5 times a day