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Spagyric, HEWEBERBEROL inject ampoules

Hevert Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG

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HEWEBERBEROL inject ampoules

Heweberberol injekt, Spagyric, HEWEBERBEROL inject ampoules

Proven spagyric homeopathic drug

Registered homeopathic drug, therefore no indication of a therapeutic indication. Please seek medical advice if symptoms of illness persist while using the drug.
For Spagyric, HEWEBERBEROL inject ampoules risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.


Spagyric, HEWEBERBEROL inject ampoules Composition

1 ampoule of 2 ml contains:
Berberis vulgaris e radice sicc. spaghetti Zimpel D2 0.4 ml
Carduus benedictus spag. Zimpel D2 0.2 ml
Ceanothus americanus e ramis et foliis rec. spaghetti Zimpel D2 0.2 ml
Equisetum arvense spag. Zimpel D2 0.2 ml
Fumaria officinalis e planta tota rec. spaghetti Zimpel D2 0.4 ml
Ononis spinosa spag. Zimpel D2 0.2 ml
Solidago virgaurea e planta tota florescente rec. spaghetti Zimpel D2 0.4 ml
sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid 25% (m/m).

For medicines: Read the leaflet on the risks and side effects and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Proven spagyric homeopathic medicine.

active Spagyric, HEWEBERBEROL inject ampoules ingredients

  • 0.2 ml Cnicus benedictus spag. Zimpel D2
  • 0.2 ml Equisetum arvense spag. Zimpel D2
  • 0.4 ml Solidago virgaurea spag. Zimpel D2
  • 0.4 ml Berberis vulgaris spag. Zimpel D2
  • 0.4 ml Fumaria officinalis spag. Zimpel D2
  • 0.2 ml Ononis spinosa spag. Zimpel D2
  • 0.2 ml Ceanothus americanus e ramis et foliis recentibus spag. Zimpel D2

Spagyric, HEWEBERBEROL inject ampoules excipients

  • water for injections
  • Hydrochloric acid for pH adjustment
  • sodium chloride

Proven spagyric homeopathic medicine

1 ampoule of 2 ml contains:
Berberis vulgaris e radice sicc. spaghetti Zimpel D2 0.4 ml
Carduus benedictus spag. Zimpel D2 0.2 ml
Ceanothus americanus e ramis et foliis rec. spaghetti Zimpel D2 0.2 ml
Equisetum arvense spag. Zimpel D2 0.2 ml
Fumaria officinalis e planta tota rec. spaghetti Zimpel D2 0.4 ml
Ononis spinosa spag. Zimpel D2 0.2 ml
Solidago virgaurea e planta tota florescente rec. spaghetti Zimpel D2 0.4 ml
Excipients: sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid 25% (m/m).

Application areas:
Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore no indication of a therapeutic indication. The areas of application are derived from the drug pictures of the components contained.
Please seek medical advice if symptoms of illness persist while using the drug.

Unless otherwise prescribed for acute conditions, inject 1-2 ml up to 3 times a day iv, im or sc. In the case of chronic forms, inject 1-2 ml daily.
An application longer than one week should only be done after consultation with a homeopathically experienced therapist.

Because of the ingredient Ononis spinosa (restharrow), do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding or in children under 12 years of age.

Side effects:

None known.

None known.

"Heweberberol injekt" ampoules can also be used as drinking ampoules if required. "Heweberberol drops" are used for long-term oral therapy.

Heweberol - a proven spagyric homeopathic medicine.

The active ingredients of Heweberol inject ampoules are all manufactured according to the principle of Spagyrik according to cimbal. The advantage of spagyric essences is that they contain organic and inorganic plant substances.

As a basis seven different medicinal plants are used in Heweberol injection ampoules:
- The berries from the Berberis vulgaris family. The spagyric vine is made from the dried root.
- The benedictus herb from the family of wicker (Carduus benedictus). The fresh herb is used for spagyric primary tincture.
- The seckle flower from the family of ceanothus americanus. Fresh branches and leaves are used for spagyric vine tincture.
- The field horsetail, also known as pewter herb, belongs to the botanical class of horsetails (Equisetum arvense). The spagyric original tincture is made from the green summer shoots.
- The earth from the family of earth plants (Fumaria officinalis). The freshly harvested plant with root is used for spagyric vine tincture.
- The pig from the family of butterfly blossoms (Ononis spinosa). The spagyric original tincture is extracted from the root.
- The real gold rod from the family of wicker (Solidago virgaurea). The spagyric vine is made from the flowering plant with root.

Heweberol injection ampoules are used for acute and chronic ailments.