- Causes of frequent urination, overactive bladder. The indications for use of the product Sterko are: micturition disorders associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia and second stage of the disease (frequency, frequent urination at night, reducing the size of the urinary stream.
1 capsule. Contains 320 mg of the extract dense fruit Palmetto Serrata.
Action: The preparation of natural soothing symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. By inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins sterczowych exerts anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling. The maximum blood concentration reached after 1.5 h; T 0.5 is 1.9 h.
Indications: disorders of urination associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia and second stage of the disease (frequency, frequent urination at night, reducing the size of the urinary stream, urinary retention).
Undesirable effects: Rare: gastro-intestinal disorders. After ingestion fasting may experience nausea.
Interactions: The product may potentiate the effect of diuretics.
Dosage: Oral: 1 caps. Per day during or after a meal.Kaps. should not be chewed.
Notes: Before you use the product should be marked with the level of prostate specific antigen PSA; preparation can falsify the test result.