SYNERGON COMPLEX 124 Cicuta virosa N drops
pack size:50ml Dosage form:drops
Asafoetida uses:
Asafoetida is traditionally used for the treatment of different diseases, such as whooping cough, asthma, ulcer, epilepsy, stomachache, flatulence, bronchitis, intestinal parasites, antispasmodic, weak digestion and influenza. Asafoetida is an effective remedy for several diseases of the stomach.
Chamomilla recutita uses:
Chamomile (Matricaria Recutita), also referred to sometimes as German chamomile, is an herb that it approved by Commission E to treat cough and bronchitis, fevers, cold, inflammation, infection, wounds, and burns.
Hyoscyamus niger uses:
Henbane is used in traditional herbal medicine for ailments of the bones, rheumatism, toothache, asthma, cough, nervous diseases, and stomach pain. It might also be used as analgesic, sedative, and narcotic in some cultures.
Oenanthe crocata uses:
Oenanthe Crocata is a homeopathic dilution that relieves cough, sore throat.
Datura stramonium uses:
Some medicinal uses of the plant are its anti-inflammatory property of all parts of the plant, stimulation of the central nervous system, respiratory decongestion, treatment of dental and skin infections, alopecia and in the treatment of toothache.
Cicuta virosa (CV) is one such herbal remedy that is used in traditional system of medicine against myriad of disorders including epilepsy. Homeopathic medicinal preparations (HMPs) of CV were assessed for their efficacy in pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced acute and kindling models of epilepsy.
Cuprum aceticum uses:
Cuprum Aceticum Dilution is a versatile medicine that has many types of uses. It is prepared from the neutral acetate of copper and is useful for treating skin leprosy and psoriasis. Extended labor pain of women is also reduced by using it. The facial pain of jaws and ear can also be treated by using this remedy.
Zincum cyanatum uses:
Zincum Cyanatum Dilution is helpful in nervous affections, convulsions and epileptic attacks due to meninges and brain. The remedy is useful for passing a healthy stool and helps against constipation. The drug helps against head congestion due to brain problems.
magnesium phosphoricum uses:
Because of these properties, Magnesium phosphoricum is used to treat seizures, muscle spasms and pain, such as painful cramps of gastrointestinal tract, in case of twitches of the facial muscles and eyelids, in case of “colic” in infants, painful menstruation, uterine tonic, the threat of termination of pregnancy.
active ingredients
- 100 mg Asafoetida D3
- 100 mg Chamomilla recutita D2
- 100 mg Hyoscyamus niger D4
- 100 mg Strychnos ignatii D4
- 100 mg Oenanthe crocata D2
- 90 mg Datura stramonium D4
- 100 mg Cicuta virosa D3
- 100 mg Cuprum aceticum D3
- 100 mg Zincum cyanatum D10
- 10 mg magnesium phosphoricum D10
- ethanol
Synergon 124 Cicuta virosa N drops
Application areas:
- Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore no indication of a therapeutic indication.
Active ingredients: Cicuta virosa, Datura stramonium, Asa foetida, Chamomilla recutita, Cuprum aceticum, Hyoscyamus niger, Strychnos ignatii, Oenanthe crocata, Zincum cyanatum, Magnesium phosphoricum; other ingredient: ethanol
- Take 5 drops 1 to 3 times a day before meals with some liquid.
- Contains 59% alcohol by volume
Net capacity:
50 ml
Manufacturer data:
Kattwiga Arzneimittel GmbH
Zur Grenz 30
48529 Nordhorn