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SYNERGON COMPLEX 14 Platinum drops

Kattwiga Drugs GmbH

Sale price £48.45 Regular price £70.00

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SYNERGON COMPLEX 14 Platinum drops

pack size:50ml Dosage form:drops

sodium tetrachloroaurate benefits:

Sodium tetrachloroaurate might reduce inflammation (swelling). It might also kill cancer cells.

Anamirta cocculus uses:

cocculus is used to treat fevers, dyspepsia and menstrual problems. Extract of the stem is added to native wine and is drunk to make the blood strong. The leaves may be used as a poultice for headache, stomach-ache or delayed menstruation. The dried fruits constitute the drug known as "cocculus" or "cocculus indicus".

Asafoetida uses:

Asafoetida is traditionally used for the treatment of different diseases, such as whooping cough, asthma, ulcer, epilepsy, stomachache, flatulence, bronchitis, intestinal parasites, antispasmodic, weak digestion and influenza. Asafoetida is an effective remedy for several diseases of the stomach.

Hyoscyamus niger uses:

Henbane is used in traditional herbal medicine for ailments of the bones, rheumatism, toothache, asthma, cough, nervous diseases, and stomach pain. It might also be used as analgesic, sedative, and narcotic in some cultures.

Hypericum perforatum uses:

Since then, it has remained a popular treatment for anxiety, depression, cuts, and burns. Recent research suggests the effectiveness of this herb in treating other ailments, including cancer, inflammation-related disorders, and bacterial and viral diseases, and as an antioxidant and neuroprotective agent.

Pulsatilla pratensis uses:

Uses & Effectiveness ?
  • Conditions of the male or female reproductive system.
  • Tension headache.
  • Migraine.
  • Hyperactive states.
  • Insomnia.
  • Boils.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Asthma and other lung diseases.

Passiflora incarnata uses:

Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) was used traditionally in the Americas and later in Europe as a calming herb for anxiety, insomnia, seizures, and hysteria. It is still used today to treat anxiety and insomnia.

Oenanthe crocata uses:

Oenanthe Crocata is a homeopathic dilution that relieves cough, sore throat. The pellets melt in your mouth and can be taken on the go, no food or water needed.

Sepia officinalis uses:

The most common uses include:
  • relieving menopausal symptoms like hot flashes.
  • relieving premenstrual syndrome.
  • nausea and vomiting while pregnant.
  • feeling overwhelmed.
  • psoriasis.
  • left-sided headaches.
  • physical fatigue.
  • vaginitis.

For generations, shamans of indigenous tribes throughout the Amazon Basin have processed the bark of Banisteriopsis caapi to produce a ceremonial drink called “ayahuasca.” The shamans use ayahuasca or “vine of the soul” in religious and healing ceremonies to diagnose and treat illnesses, meet with spirits, and divine ...

Platinum Metallicum is a homeopathic dilution of Platinum Metallicum that relieves constipation while traveling.


active SYNERGON COMPLEX 14 Platinum drops ingredients


  • 10 mg sodium tetrachloroauratum D4
  • 100 mg Anamirta cocculus D3
  • 100 mg Asafoetida D4
  • 100 mg Hyoscyamus niger D4
  • 10 mg Strychnos ignatii D12
  • 100 mg Hypericum perforatum D4
  • 10 mg Pulsatilla pratensis D12
  • 330 mg Passiflora incarnata D2
  • 100 mg Oenanthe crocata D3
  • 10 mg Sepia officinalis D8
  • 100 mg Banisteria caapi D6
  • 10 mg zinc isovalerianicum D6
  • 10 mg Graphites D12
  • 10 mg platinum metallicum D10

SYNERGON COMPLEX 14 Platinum drops excipients

  • ethanol

Synergon 14 Platinum drops

Application areas:

  • Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore no indication of a therapeutic indication.


SYNERGON COMPLEX 14 Platinum drops Composition:


Active ingredients: Passiflora incarnata, Hyoscyamus niger, Hypericum perforatum, Asa foetida, Oenanthe crocata, Anamirta cocculus, Natrum tetrachloroauratum, Graphites, Pulsatilla pratensis, Strychnos ignatii, Platinum metallicum, Sepia officinalis, Banisteria caapi


SYNERGON COMPLEX 14 Platinum drops Notice:


  • Contains 64% alcohol by volume

Net capacity:
50 ml

Manufacturer data:
Kattwiga Arzneimittel GmbH
Zur Grenz 30
48529 Nordhorn