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SYNERGON COMPLEX 168 Avena sativa drops

Kattwiga Drugs GmbH

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SYNERGON COMPLEX 168 Avena sativa drops

SYNERGON COMPLEX 168 Avena sativa drops

Homeopathic medicinal product

Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore without indication of a therapeutic indication.

For risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Homeopathic medicine.

active SYNERGON COMPLEX 168 Avena sativa drops ingredients

  • 100 mg Amanita muscaria D3
  • 100 mg Anamirta cocculus D4
  • 10 mg Ambergris grisea D10
  • 100 mg Atropa belladonna D4
  • 100 mg Conium maculatum D9
  • 100 mg Dioscorea villosa D3
  • 100 mg Gelsemium sempervirens D4
  • 100 mg Avena sativa mother tincture
  • 10 mg Hyoscyamus niger D4
  • 35 mg Hypericum perforatum D1
  • 100 mg Lobelia inflata D4
  • 35 mg Melissa officinalis D1
  • 100 mg Aurum chloratum D5
  • 10 mg of potassium phosphoricum D8

SYNERGON COMPLEX 168 Avena sativa drops excipients

  • ethanol

Areas of application:
Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore without indication of a therapeutic indication.

Note: If symptoms of illness persist while using the drug, seek medical advice.

Dosage SYNERGON COMPLEX 168 Avena sativa drops:

Unless otherwise prescribed: 
In acute conditions, take 1 tablet every half to full hour, up to 6 times a day. 

In chronic forms, take 1 tablet 1-3 times a day.

Contains 59% alcohol by volume.