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SYNERGON KOMPLEX 161 Spigelia N drops

Kattwiga Arzneimittel GmbH

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SYNERGON KOMPLEX 161 Spigelia N drops

Pack size:50mlDosage form:drops

Active ingredients

  • 10 mg sodium tetrachloroauratum D4
  • 10 mg Cytisus scoparius D2
  • 10 mg Well, well D10
  • 100 mg Digitalis purpurea D6
  • 100 mg Aconitum napellus D6
  • 100 mg Toxicodendron quercifolium D6
  • 50 mg Avena sativa D1
  • 100 mg Spigelia anthelmia D3
  • 320 mg Hypericum perforatum D2
  • 100 mg Lobelia inflata D4
  • 100 mg Nitroglycerin D4


  • Ethanol

 Sodium tetrachloroaurate might reduce inflammation (swelling). It might also kill cancer cells. Sodium tetrachloroaurate might reduce inflammation (swelling).

Cytisus scoparius benefits

What are the medicinal properties of Scotch broom?

Scotch broom is a plant. The flower and the parts that grow above the ground are used as medicine. Despite serious safety concerns, Scotch broom is used for heart problems including fluid retention (edema), poor circulation, low blood pressure, fast heartbeat, and irregular heartbeat.

Digitalis purpurea benefits

Digitalis is used to treat congestive heart failure (CHF) and heart rhythm problems (atrial arrhythmias). Digitalis can increase blood flow throughout your body and reduce swelling in your hands and ankles.

ACONITUM napellus homeopathic medicine benefits:

Homeopathic uses

As with many homeopathic products, claims about the healing power of aconite include a wide range of conditions. For example, it can help clear up conditions like colds, fevers, or headaches. Can use it to treat other conditions from asthma to rheumatism.

Toxicodendron quercifolium benefits

toxicodendron is most commonly used to relieve arthritis symptoms. And it can be given to people of any age. Proponents say that it's most effective when used during an arthritis flare-up that doesn't respond well to applying cold packs.

Avena sativa homeopathy benefits:

Avena Sativa: Avena Sativa is a effective nerve and brain tonic hence very useful in relieving stress. It is used for nervous exhaustion, and acts as best tonic after exhausting diseases. Avena Sativa is also useful in treating nervous headaches. There is inability to keep mind on any one subject.

Spigelia anthelmia uses

Spigelia is an important remedy in pericarditis and other diseases of the heart, because the provings were conducted with the greatest regard for objective symptoms and the subjective symptoms are by innumerable confirmations proved to be correct.

Hypericum perforatum homeopathy benefits:

Hypericum perforatum (St. John's Wort) is an alternative remedy used primarily for depression but also is used for rheumatism, gastroenteritis, headache and neuralgias.

Lobelia inflata homeopathy benefits:

Lobelia Inflata can help calm the mind and ease emotional distress. Addiction and Smoking Cessation: In homeopathy, Lobelia Inflata is often considered as part of a holistic approach to help individuals quit smoking, as it may reduce nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
These include: Improvement of the symptoms associated with a spasmodic cough..

nitroglycerine benefits:

Nitroglycerin works by relaxing the smooth muscle and blood vessels in your body. This increases the amount of blood and oxygen that reaches your heart. In turn, your heart doesn't work as hard. This reduces chest pain.

Synergon 161 Spigelia N drops

Application areas:

  • Registered homeopathic medicine, therefore without specifying a therapeutic indication.


Active ingredients: Hypericum perforatum, Toxicodendron quercifolium, Avena sativa, Natrum tetrachloroauratum, Naja naja, Cytisus scoparius, Spigelia anthelmia, Aconitum napellus, Digitalis purpurea, Nitroglycerinum, Lobelia inflata

A notice:

  • Contains 60% alcohol by volume

Net filling quantity:
50 ml

Manufacturer data:
Kattwiga Arzneimittel GmbH
Zur Grenz 30
48529 Nordhorn