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TANINAL 0.5g x 20 tabl. diarrhea treatment

Herbapol Wroclaw

Sale price £13.99 Regular price £20.00

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TANINAL is a traditional medical product, whose efficiency is based exclusively on long term use and experience. TANINAL contains a combination of tannins - tannic acid (tannin) with proteins - albumin.With this combination, the drug does not have a strong irritant effect on the gastric mucosa. The formulation releases tannins in the small intestine by the action of digestive enzyme pancreatin.

TANINAL are traditionally used in case of diarrhea and food poisoning

Dosage: Oral, adults - 3 times daily for 1 to 2 tablets.children over 4 years of age - 2 to 3 times daily ½ to 1 tablet. It must be taken between meals until symptoms disappear.