- The formulation used as a substitute for tear in diseases characterized by dry eye such as dry keratoconjunctivitis, Sjögren's syndrome and the prevention and treatment of diseases occurring in these diseases.
The Duasorb, dextran 70 - 1 mg / ml hydroxypropyl - 3 mg / ml.Effect: The formulation containing a water soluble polymeric system, which supports and replaced by hydrating and lubricating tears. This creates a protective layer adjacent to the corneal surface, interacting with existing components in the eye tears. The formulation affects the stability of the tear film by physiological mucus, which allows to obtain a physiological effect of the lubricant on the surface of the cornea. It characterized by a prolonged residence time on the surface of the eye by increasing the hydration layer of the cornea and tear resistance. In Tears Naturale II used preservative - polidronium chloride at a concentration of 0.001% (Polyquad). Tears Naturale Free formulation does not contain any preservative. Indications: It is used as a substitute for tear in diseases characterized by dry eye such as dry keratoconjunctivitis, Sjögren's syndrome and the prevention and treatment of diseases occurring in these diseases. The formulation is indicated for temporary reduction burning, and irritation resulting from dryness of the eye; as a means to protect against irritation and used for temporary reduction of discomfort associated with not very strong irritation of the eye or exposure to wind and sun. The preparation Tears Naturale Free is particularly recommended for patients who are allergic to preservatives. Dosage: 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac neglected as often as required by the disappearance of irritation.