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THEISSGRIPPAL, cold, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, body aches, coughing

dr Theiss Naturwaren GmbH

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THEISSGRIPPAL drops 50 ml, cold, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, body aches, coughing.


Homeopathic THEISSGRIPPAL, cold, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, body aches, coughing medicine.


Manufacturer: Dr. Theiss Naturwaren GmbH
Article name: THEISSGRIPPAL drops
Quantity: 50 ml
Dosage form: Mixture

active THEISSGRIPPAL, cold, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, body aches, coughing ingredients

  • 200 mg Aconitum napellus D6
  • 200 mg Baptisia tinctoria D4
  • 200 mg Eupatorium perfoliatum D4
  • 200 mg Ferrum phosphoricum D8
  • 200 mg Gelsemium sempervirens D6

THEISSGRIPPAL, cold, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, body aches, coughing excipients

  • ethanol

Mixture of liquid dilution for use in adults and adolescents from 12 years of age.

For medicines: Read the leaflet on the risks and side effects and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

TheissGrippal drops, mixture of liquid dilutions, for adults and adolescents from 12 years of age.

Approved homeopathic medicine for colds.
The areas of application are derived from the homeopathic drug pictures.
These include: Influenza infections such as feverish, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are accompanied by a cold, cough, sore throat, hoarseness or body aches.

This medicine contains 48% alcohol by volume.
For risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

A notice:
A doctor should be consulted in the event of longer-lasting, unclear or newly occurring symptoms, as these may be diseases that require medical clarification. You should also see a doctor if you have a fever that lasts longer than three days or rises above 39°C, if you have difficulty breathing, if you have pus or blood in your sputum, or if you develop an earache.

Homeopathic medicine.

active THEISSGRIPPAL, cold, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, body aches, coughing ingredients

  • 200 mg Aconitum napellus D6
  • 200 mg Baptisia tinctoria D4
  • 200 mg Eupatorium perfoliatum D4
  • 200 mg Ferrum phosphoricum D8
  • 200 mg Gelsemium sempervirens D6

THEISSGRIPPAL, cold, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, body aches, coughing excipients

  • ethanol

Mixture of liquid dilution for use in adults and adolescents from 12 years of age.