THYREOIDINUM D 4 globules, thyroid treatment, natural thyroid treatment
pack size:10g Dosage form:globules
Active substance: Thyroidinum suis (homoeoph.)
Homeopathic medicine for oral use
Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore no indication of a therapeutic indication. Seek medical advice if symptoms persist while using this drug. For risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Homeopathic medicine.
active THYREOIDINUM D 4, thyroid treatment, natural thyroid treatment ingredients
- Thyroidinum suis in homeopathic dilution
THYREOIDINUM D 4, thyroid treatment, natural thyroid treatment excipients
- sucrose
Homeopathic medicinal product, therefore without a therapeutic indication.
Contains sucrose.
Thyroidinum suis benefits:
Thyroidinum Dilution is a homoeopathic remedy for the treatment of ailments associated with the thyroid. Thyroidinum is a natural solution that treats most of the ailments associated with Hyperthyroidism such as general and muscular weakness, sensitivity to cold and obesity.